Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Hiking to Mezzomonte

Sunday, August 7

I had been wanting to go hiking since I got here 2 years ago, but never ended up going until now. I had even bought hiking boots the winter prior and still had never actually had the chance to break them in. My friend Ashley goes hiking all the time, so I was a little nervous at first that I was going to slow here down.

We ended up meeting at Sorgenti del Gorgazzo, which is actually where an underwater cave is located. The water around it is so blue and very pretty and relaxing to sit by. At this location is where you can hike up a few different trails up the mountain. We wanted the one that went up to Mezzomonte, which is only about half way up the mountain. Which was perfectly fine with me, since I had not been hiking in a long time.

Starting off we actually had a little difficulty trying to figure out which way to go at the bottom as it seems like you would go up by the underwater cave but it was blocked off. Luckily, we saw a couple who looked like they were about to hike up it and followed them to the different paths. As we were walking up the trail split and of course we went one way and the other couple went the other.
And to my luck we ended up going up the harder side. I'm glad I was in somewhat shape otherwise, I think I would have been a baby and had to stop a lot. Hiking definitely works different muscles than I am used to!

Ashley had brought her dog with her, so I was so happy when he had to keep stopping cause he was so hot cause then I didn't have to be the one asking to take a break :)

The views going up were amazing! We could see all of Aviano and the surrounding towns. Very pretty!
(Just getting started)

(Break time)
(Pictures don't do it justice with how pretty the view was)

Well after taking a few breaks along the way (well say to enjoy views, not me dying lol), we made it to Mezzomonte! We ended up walking around the town or a little to relax and just enjoy the views. There was also a very small market going on; it also looked like they were setting up for an event later with one of the big white tents with a stage and a drink stand setup. The town is super small, it is just a town half-way up the mountain with maybe 2 places to eat at, a church, and then a handful of houses up there.

After basically walking through the whole town we decided to head back down. So glad going down is so much easier. Plus, we knew to go the opposite way down than we came from, so we could be on the easy trail.

(Heading back down)
(Random place we ended up at the bottom)
But when your with me, nothing stops there. We ended up getting a little lost for a few minutes but eventually found our way back to Gorgazzo.

Today was a super fun day! I'm so glad I finally was able to go hiking again, it had been way too long! There are so many other hiking trails that are close to our house that I am kinda upset I haven't taken advantage of them until now. The easiest way to find the trails, obvioulsy is to go with someone who has already been. Or you can always Google hiking trails near Aviano and you can find tons that way.

Now this made me want to go hiking more, even if I was a little out of breathe going up, it was still fun :)

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