About Me

I have been married to my best friend, Preston, since July 5, 2013. He decided to follow one of his childhood dreams of joining the military, with the Air Force, in 2013. We are currently stationed at our first duty station, Aviano, Italy, and have been here for a little over 3 years now and we are loving it! We even decided to extend an additional year, which gives us extra time to travel and explore all the amazing places overseas! We both were beyond excited for this new adventure and are definitely taking full advantage of it! So far in the past 3 years we have been here, we have traveled to over 20 different countries. My favorite places so far have been: Berlin, London, Greece, and Estonia.

My blog shares all of our crazy and exciting adventures we have in Italy and throughout Europe. It also shows a little bit into the life of a military wife and how we acclimate to all the new surroundings.

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