Sunday, May 25, 2014

Trying to Get Things Done

May 22

Today I didn't do too many fun or adventurous things. But I did get some other paperwork done for Preston and I and I also found out from Housing that they finished the inspection on the house we wanted and we can start the paperwork for the 3 story (basically 2.5) house whenever we want. Which I think we might actually go with this place since it was the first one we both fell in love with instantly. So lets hope all the paperwork goes through next week for us. (Can't do it Friday, May 23rd since its a Family Day and also Monday, May 26th is a Holiday) We could finally have a place and try and settle down more!! But still have to wait about another month until all our "stuff" gets here.

Started off trying to get our TLA (Temporary Lodging Allowance), check our housing status and figuring out when I get my codice fiscal. Found out I can't do basically anything without Preston being there with me. Needed him to sign the TLA form and needed him there to sign the paperwork for the house. Then that I have to wait to get my codice fiscal till the following Wednesday. I did not have a great start to my what I thought would of been a productive day.

I couldn't wait till Crossfit to actually do something and take my mind off of all the other paperwork I couldn't get done.

Today we warmed up by stretching, playing around trying to do handstands and then a half mile run. Our WOD of the day was 15 EMOTM of 2 thursters, 2 pull-ups and 2 push-ups. Next time I definitely need to add more weight for my thursters. It was a little too easy but had never done them before so better to start off too light than too heavy and to get used to the motion. Great arm workout today! :)

My day was starting to get better. I checked our mail and finally got the letters my parents told me they sent me!!

Also, Preston and I had decided we wanted to go out to dinner that night. We went to Aviano Inn. It was a perfect night so we sat out on the deck and ate. One thing I still find different is you have to pay for any drink by the liter, you don't get free refills on anything. You even have to pay for water, which still blows my mind. I got a chicken with a creamy sauce and mushrooms and spinach on the side. It was amazing!! I was a littler nervous to try something new but it turned out to be a great choice!! I had been there once before and told Preston how good the pizza was, so he got a cheese pizza, which he really liked too.
 (Our liter of Coke)
(My chicken with cream sauce)

Today started off a little rough for me but ended on a great note! Can't wait till tomorrow when we go to the beach!!

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