Thursday, May 22, 2014

Off on my Own

May 21

This was another busy and fun day for me! I woke up drove Preston to work then got ready to go to the Pordenone market with my friend, Mary. It was an adventure, but I must say there was a pretty scenery to look at while trying to find out way to the Pordenone center, where the market was. Neither of us had driven there ourselves except being chauffeured there on the Benvenuti Tour. After a few wrong turns we finally found it! We found a really good (and cheap) garage to park in. Almost anywhere you park your going to have to walk a little.

People had told us this is probably the biggest market in the Aviano area. I was really excited to see what type of stuff they had at this one compared to the one in Porcia we stopped at on the tour. We walked up and wow there were tons and tons of people! More than I had seen at the other market. This one you had to watch out a little more for the bikes since they would just zip right past you and somehow through the crowd.
(This picture doesn't do it justice for how many people were actually there)

I had made up my mind the day before that I wanted to purchase from fruit and veggies from a cart and then also some cheese from the another. That was my goal for the trip! :) There were so many different fruit and veggie places to choose from. We picked the one that was the cheapest, freshest looking and also one that had a huge crowd around it. I was really nervous to try and order since they usually only speak Italian. So I let Mary go first. At least she knew some Spanish to help her. (Lots of Italians also know Spanish since there is some similarity in words. Wish I could of remembered more from my 3 years of Spanish in high school) Now it was my turn! As usual I went blank on words Mary was using but at least I tried. Also pointing at things helps a lot and also most places have the name in Italian on them, so that did help a little. But I was so happy when I finished! I ordered, by myself, my very first fruit and veggie market purchase!!
(My first fruit and veggie purchase)
(Fruit and Veggie stand)

Next, to find a cheese cart! I had seen one earlier that we had passed when we were first wondering but as we kept going we found another we thought we would stop at. Luckily we choose this one, the guy spoke perfect English! Makes it a little easier for us. Plus, we also wanted to try a sample of the cheeses before we purchased one. First we tried Assiago Vecchio, we choose randomly since it was the cheese in front of us. It actually turned out to be really good! I wanted to try one more before deciding, so I went with the one next to it, which was Montasio Saporito. (We got told you usually are supposed to start with the lighter/younger cheese, I didn't know the difference in cheeses but next time hopefully I can tell a little better which ones are younger to try first) This next cheese was amazing!! I haven't had cheese that good in so long! I just had to buy some. I got 1 kilo this time but will most certainly be back to buy some more!

(The cheese stand)

Next stop, to find a pastry for a snack! We decided to go back to one of the chocolate shops that we had gone to one Tour, since we remember seeing so many delicious things to choose from. As usual for me, its so hard to decide on which pastry (or chocolate) to get. I always seem to go with croissants but not just a plain one, each time I try and find one that is filed with something different. This time mine was filled with a lemony custard. It was amazing!! Mary got an almond pie, which she let me try and was also amazing! I'm definitely getting that myself next time I'm in Pordenone!

After relaxing for a little we walked around a little more in the market and down the streets of Pordenone. 

Now to find our way back to base! It was a lot easier this time going back. We made it back so much faster. Which was good since we wanted to be back in time for Crossfit at 1300. Both of us though were a little nervous about the WOD, since for both of us this is our first week and also because today was 150 burpees and box jumps! Nobody likes burpees! 

We made it!! But feel great about ourselves for completing it. Yes, a little tired now but happy we did them all without stopping! I love the group of people that are usually there everyday. Everybody is so nice and encouraging, which makes the workouts a lot easier! 

After, we both were starved so decided to walk across to the bowling alley and deja brew for some well needed food! Can't beat a chicken caesar salad wrap from the bowling alley and a smoothie from deja brew. (Bowling alley food is a lot better than you think, plus they have TONS of different food options)

Now time to chill till Preston gets off from work, then back to the gym with him.

This time I only biked, did abs and stretched. I love being able to go to the gym whenever I want and having it so close! 

I hadn't had time to show Preston all of my "goodies" from the market yet until later that night after the gym. Which I was so proud of myself for not spending that much on. All my fruits and veggies were under 6 and my cheese was under 5.
(Yummy fruit and veggies)

(Montasio Saporito cheese)

Can't wait to go to another market! :)


  1. My mouth was watering as i read your blog today. Not sure what I would try first - oh wait yes I do, the chocolate pastry with lemon custard!!!!

    1. It was delicious!! I will take you there when you come! I will most likely be going back multiple times before then ;)

  2. Ooh, I want that lemon filled pastry too!
    BTW what is a burpee?

    1. The Crossift style burpee is a little different than how some other people do it but what we did was basically drop down to a plank then fall to the floor then push yourself back up into a plank, jump your hands to your feet then jump up. Then we had to jump on a box and then start all over again. Was not fun at all!
