Sunday, May 11, 2014

Getting Started

Hurry up and wait.....What all military people know. But if you know me I like to get things done as quick as possible. Our first 5 days here have been packed with tons of stuff that most people would probably take more than a week to do. To start from the beginning of all our fun!!

Tuesday, May 6th, our flight left from BWI and let me add, at 12:30am (have to get used to weird times in the military). Also, after having to have been there since 6:30pm to make sure we got our seats and that they didn't give them to Space A people. Preston and I were happy we got to sit next to each other because the whole plane was full! The plane was like nothing we have ever been on, and probably the worst. It looked like it came from the 80s or 90s.

After finally taking off, about an hour into the flight we got served breakfast. Yes, at around 1:30am, we got breakfast. We had the option of pancakes and sausage with a muffin, fruit and yogurt or eggs, home fries and sausage with a muffin, fruit and yogurt. We got one of each to split. It wasn't too bad for "plane food". We both tired to sleep after but wasn't too comfy. We were in and out of sleep the whole plane ride. After about 6 hours on the plane we got lunch, so that would of been about 6:30am our "normal" time. We had the option of a turkey or roast beef sandwich with fritos and cookies. Again, the sandwich wasn't too bad.

Our flight had 3 different stops to go to, Ramstein, Germany, Aviano, Italy and Adana, Turkey. We were the 2nd stop. We landed in Ramstein around 2pm European time. This next part we thought was really funny. They told us to get off in groups, Aviano people get off first to get their bags then Turkey and Ramstein. We had to deboard the plane, non military people have to get your passport stamped while military personnel just show their CAC card.

Then go wait for everyones luggage to come off the plane. I was happy they had a small USO by the baggage terminal with some snacks and drinks because I was really craving some hot chocolate :) After our bags finally came out we had to bring them about 50 feet to the right of the terminal to drop them off for them to put back on the same plane we just got off. Then make our way back to the main terminal to go through security again to go sit in the terminal gate to get back on the same plane we just got off. We thought this was really weird since this is our first duty station and everything for us is very new. We had to sit in the gate terminal till about 5:45pm, until they started calling us to get back on the same plane.

Back on the plane again!

Same seats as coming over. Also, this time going to Aviano, our plane was almost emtpy, which we thought was nice. We got fed one more time, but this time just a bag of chips and something to drink. (German Coke)

We were getting closer to landing in Aviano when I looked out the window and saw one of the most beautiful views I've seen on a flight...the Alps!! This got us more excited and anxious to land!

We finally arrived in Aviano, Italy!!! Longest flight ever!! I was in total amazement when we got off the plane because we walked off on the runway on base and the mountains were right there!! I don't know if I will ever get used to them being so close!

This time our bags were some of the last ones to come out unlike in Ramstein when we had some of the first ones. We got our bags to walk outside where we thought we were just going to be greeted by Preston's sponsor but no, there were about 7 people from his flight. Which I thought was really nice of them to come and greet us. They even took all of our bags and told us they would bring them over to TLF (Temporary Lodging Facility) for us while Preston's sponsor took us there right away so we could get in the line as soon as possible. Since almost everyone had to go over there too to check in.

We finally got to our room, and knowing us we had to start organizing and putting stuff away so it wasn't such a mess and so we could find things easier in the morning.

Surprisingly, right after everything was organized we laid down and both passed out!

May 7th

The next morning we woke up around 8:30am (European time) and got ready for the day. Preston's supervisor came by to show us around Area 1 and to do some paperwork for Preston at the Hospital on Area 1. While we were waiting we went to try the Italian cafe in the hospital (they do take american money). I got a hot chocolate while Preston got their peach tea. If you love "American" hot chocolate as much as I do, be prepared for Italian hot chocolate to be completely different! It wasn't bad but I didn't know what to expect on my first sip, which was a little of a taste shock. It tastes like straight melted Italian chocolate (doesn't have the same sweetness as American, like Hershey's, chocolate has). It might take me a little to like "their" type of hot chocolate.

After eating lunch Preston had to go in-process. While he was there, I was going next door to ITT (Information, Tickets & Travel) to already try and plan some cool getaways for us! :)  They have all different types of trips all over Europe.

After Preston had finished in-processing he had a "windshield tour" to go on. (ride around in car getting to know all the bases). Usually spouses don't get to go on these, but I was actually lucky I could since it was just Preston and one other guy. We had an officer show us around, who was really funny and made driving around the bases a lot more fun. This tour lasted a little more than an hour. When we finished the tour we were "done" for the day. We came back and went to the Commissary to get some food for dinner and snacks. (Buying groceries from the store will definitely save you a lot of money instead of eating out at the BX or other restaurants, you do have a full kitchen in your TLF room)

If you know me you will know that I like to do things at a "fast" pace, I like to get things done. I started looking for jobs for me to do on base, since Americans are not allowed to work off base in Italy. I found 2 jobs so far that interested me. Also, there is a site where people can post items they have for sale or things they are looking for and people post back giving them advise where to get it or who might have it. Its called "Varagesale", I would definitely recommend joining if you are PCSing here or somewhere else. While looking around I found they have cars for sale on them. Preston and I had talked about getting a "beater" car to drive around here along with his Ford Focus when that comes. We definitely didn't think we would get one within the first week of being here. But we found one we both wouldn't mind having. But we wanted to sleep on it to make sure its what we really wanted to do.
(Do recommend trying to find a car as soon as possible because when looking for houses you have to rely and go around your sponsor or someone you already know on bases schedule for them to take you around to all the different houses/apartments you want to look at)

May 8th

Thursday morning we got to sleep in a little because we didn't have to be anywhere till 1200. But of course the one day we could I woke up at 4am and couldn't go back to sleep till 6am! (Everybody has told us though, your body doesn't fully get used to the time change for about 3 weeks)

We had Jump Start at noon (briefing on getting our AFI license and about renting a place in Italy (hopefully you have already been looking on the housing website already getting ideas of where you want to live)). You don't have to attend Jump Start but I highly recommend you do! If you do attend you get to skip/leave that part of Right Start the following week, otherwise we've been told you will be"zombified" by powerpoint after powerpoint. Also, we got to turn in all our paperwork for getting our AFI license, which should let us get ours back a little faster than waiting till next week at Right Start. After Jump Start we were "done" for the day again. When leaving the building this is what you see...
This view will NEVER get old!! :)

We had thought about the car overnight and thought it would be a good enough "beater" car for us. We asked if it was still available and if it was if we could see it. We got a fast response saying "yes" it was and she asked if we wanted to see it tomorrow morning. Of course we said yes! We both got really excited and very hopeful that we would like it and wouldn't have to search anymore for a car. But had to wait till the next morning...

May 9th

We woke up to meet the people about the car at 0800 in front of our building. Preston got to ride around in it to see if he liked it. Luckily he did! And its actually not a bad car. We think we got a really good deal with it. They had just fixed the oil pump, seals, anti freeze and all that extra stuff. Plus they are giving us the reflective vests (have to have these in your car in Italy, otherwise you can get a fine, along with not having the road triangles too), and they are buying us new winter tires for the car (another must have in Italy or can also get fined, but you can also have chains for your "normal" tires if you don't want to get winter tires). Another cost in Italy is you have to pay road tax each year but getting this car we don't have to pay this year since they have it paid for until December 2014. We truly lucked out with this deal! Probably this coming Wednesday we will be the proud owners of a 1998 E320 Mercedes-Benz! (We have to wait for our AFI license to come in)
Around noon we met up with Preston's sponsor to take us to a place we had emailed to go look at. We want to stay as close to base as possible. The place we went to look at was in Aviano. We had no idea what to expect with Italian houses since we have heard so many mixed reviews. For our first house we thought it was actually pretty nice. But definitely going to keep looking. (Everybody says don't settle on a place, use the 30 days in TLF if you need to)

Also, furnished, partially furnished and unfurnished means completely different things than what we normally think back in the US. Here unfurnished means that you don't have any appliances like fridge, microwave, stove, dishwashers, etc. Partially furnished means you have some of the appliances or maybe some furniture, just depends on the place and what the landlord gives you. Furnished means you have almost all appliances and furniture. So when looking for houses on the housing website don't not look at a place because it says furnished or unfurnished. If you like it just go look at it, you have to see for your self. Also, I was told that some places say they have 3 bedrooms but when they got there, to our standards, they had 6 bedrooms. But Italians called the other 3 rooms storage rooms. So definitely go look a place!

The rest of the day we just hung out and relaxed a little. We made a yummy dinner, sloppy joes and tator tots! Can't go wrong with that! :)

May 10th

Preston and I decided to go for a run. Gotta stay in shape!! Especially for Preston's PT tests he will still have. We decided to just go run on the track. As I said before I'm NEVER going to get over how amazing this view is...
One of Preston's coworkers asked if we wanted to go to a mall with him and his girlfriend. Me, I was like definitely, mall!! And also wondering what kind of mall they had over here. We went to Emisfero mall. Which I was surprised I actually knew a store in it. Which was H&M. Didn't know it was an international store. Also in this mall is like a fancy Super Walmart or Target, grocery store and everything. We also got to have lunch here, which made it my first Italian dish and first food off base. I had just regular spaghetti with Ragu sauce and a salad. Everything was really tasty!
(If you didn't know already, you have to pay for water everywhere, it's not free like in the US)

One thing I couldn't wait to try when I got to Italy was their gelato! As a lot of people know about me, I love baking and love eating sweets!! So of course I'm going to be trying as much gelato as possible! There is a gelato shop in Aviano in the "gray mall" (as people refer it as, you will hear about it when you come). Its called Il Gelato. First gelato being in Italy and it was amazing!!
We got one scoop chocolate and one chocolate chip. We will eventually branch out to the more exotic flavors :)

Later that night we got invited to a BBQ with people Preston is going to work with. When we got there I wanted to take the guys place, it was the perfect size I want and looked like everything had just been upgraded. (Hopefully we can be as lucky as him) I got to try some a red wine and a foreign beer here (I don't like reds or foreign beer usually, more like ever). But I ended up liking both! Everybody has told me the alcohol here was different, now I'm a true believer. As I was told "you can drink all day and not feel a thing" ;)

I think Preston is going to be working with a great group of people. So far they have all been so helpful with everything; showing us around, taking us places and telling us great advise about almost anything you need to know about living in Aviano. I'm so glad we got this lucky! Hopefully it stays with us for the 3 years were here ;)

May 11th

Today was a little bit more of a "chill" day for us. Since we didn't get home till almost 1am we slept in pretty late this morning. Didn't wake up till around 1045. Glad though we could actually sleep, maybe it wont take us 3 weeks to fully adjust.

We got invited to go to another mall today, can't remember the name, but it was a little further out than Emisfero mall. This one was even bigger than Emisfero and also had one other American store that everyone should know...Foot Locker. Plus it did also have H&M too. But there were a lot of fancier stores at this mall.
It did also have a bigger "food court", definitely not the food court we normally think of. It was fancier with pastries and espressos at all and one had good looking sandwiches. But the most important was the one with gelato!! This time Preston and I got mint chocolate chip and vanilla. Yummy as always!!
The rest of today we got to relax and get ready for Right Start tomorrow. We had to make sure Preston's blues were all ironed and all pins in the right places for him to wear tomorrow. (Airmen have to wear there blues) Spouses don't have to go but it is highly recommended that we attend. I'm interested in learning more about this base and area. There always something new to learn!


  1. Ashley, I am so thrilled that you are starting a blog so that those of us back here in the States can follow your activities. I love all your posts and pictures - keep them coming!!!

  2. I'm glad you started this blog, this is an incrediable experience. I'm glad I can share it with you. Still can't wait to be over there with you guys to enjoy it first hand.....

  3. Hi Ashley, I'm so glad you've started a blog. I look forward to hearing about all your adventures. Three malls in about that many days. Too funny!
