Saturday, September 26, 2015

Oktoberfest 2015

Friday/ Saturday, September 18-19

Never in my life did I think I was going to go to the "real" Oktoberfest. But that all changed when I found a good deal on getting there without having any of us to drive. Nikki Travels is a lady here who does group tours throughout Europe, while staying pretty cheap for the amount of things she includes on her tours. This one included the bus ride up to Munich for Opening Day of Oktoberfest, a night's stay in Salzsburg, Austria, bus ride to Hitler's Eagle Nest and then a ride back home.

Everybody going met late Friday night at Cali Bar. We ended up leaving close to 10:00pm.

So glad there was a bathroom on the bus, even though it was only about a 5 hour drive to Munich, Germany.

Our first rest stop was for "breakfast," even though it was like one in the morning.

We made our second and last stop before hitting Munich to get changed and have any food if you were hungry. This was at like four in the morning. I was so happy my friend let me borrow her dirndl, I would fit in better with everyone at Oktoberfest.

After our stop we headed to Oktoberfest.

We ended up getting there around 6:00am, yes super early! But we were told if you wanted to get a table in a certain tent you had to get there early. Yes, we probably could of gotten there a little later but that's what you get on tour groups.

The only bad thing about going Opening Day is that the doors open at 9am but they do not tap the kegs until noon. So, you get to sit and wait forever!! If it was any other weekend they would of started handing out beer at 9am. But oh well, at least we got to see the Opening Day parade in our tent and see the tapping of the keg.

You can't come to Oktoberfest without getting a pretzel. So while we were waiting we of course each bought one when they came around with them. They were huge!

Once noon came around we were ready! It was pretty cool seeing the owner of HB tap the keg.

(Owner of Paulaner getting ready to tap the keg)
(So many people!)
(Owner of Paulaner tapping the keg)

Out comes the beer!!
(Finally our first beer!)

(Drink up!)
(Preston being goofy)
(Beautiful beer)

(Amazing travel host!)

(Nikki and I with one of the guys we met next to us)
(Me with two of the guys sitting with us)

After staying in the tent for a while we decided to explore around Oktoberfest a little bit.

First to get some real food, after our multiple beers in the tent.

(I thought the front was funny with the roasting chicken)

Next on to the rides!

Since Preston can't do spinning rides Bryce and I decided to go on one that looked like a lot of fun. Sometimes I wonder how neither Bryce or I didn't get sick after drinking multiple beers and have just finished eating. But the ride was a lot of fun! It was like any normal crazy carnival/fair ride.

(The spinny ride!)

Sometimes I wonder how we even went on this right after drinking...

(Looks gloomy but the sun was shinning bright)
(So cute!)
Now time for Preston to go on something. We all went on this haunted house ride. Nice relaxer after everything we have done.

Later Preston wanted to play the shooting game to see how well he would do. I did not understand the rules here, as Preston made every single target but only ended up winning about a 5in in height teddy bear. Oh well, at least he had fun :)

(Ice Cream!)
(So many people!)
(No peeing or vomiting, I thought this sign was funny)

Before we had to head back to the bus we had to go sit on the "infamous hill." Made sure we went to the top so we didn't sit in anything nasty ;)

(The infamous hill)
(People watching from the hill)

(Baby bear Preston won me)
Now the drive to the hotel in Salzburg, Austria.

(Our hotel room)
Sunday, September 20

Today we got to decide if we wanted to go walk around Salzburg or go to Hitler's Eagles Nest. Of course we decided on Hitler's Eagles Nest!

It wasn't that far of a drive to Eagles Nest, which was nice.

Once we got there, we had to take an elevator up to his old house. The elevator was literally in the middle of the mountain, you had to walk down a long tunnel to even get to it.

(View before going up the elevator to Eagle's Nest)

Even though it was a little cloudy and foggy out, the views were amazing!

We were allowed to walk around for a couple of hours on our own and also had to get lunch while we were up there. I think it's pretty cool we got to eat in one of Hitler's old rooms. 

We decided to eat before walking around the rest of the area. The food turned out to be really good!

After lunch time to explore again.

The fire place that was gifted to Hitler was pretty cool looking.

After wondering around for a while, it was time to go back down the elevator.

(The long tunnel leading out from the elevator)
(Looking up on Hitler's Eagle's Nest)
Once we got down to the main starting point, we could then go walk over to a museum that had some old bunkers, other pieces of history and different information to see from that time frame.

 Going down in to the old bunkers.

(Gun hole)

(Hitler's Eagle's Nest off in the distance)

After walking around the museum, it was time to head back to the bus to head home.

This was definitely a fun-packed weekend! I would love to go back to Oktoberfest next year!!

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