Friday, September 4, 2015


Saturday, August 29

When I found out there was a Duathlon I really wanted to sign up for it but was a little nervous, since it was bike and running, no swimming which is my get ahead portion of races. But why not give it a try. I was even more excited I was able to convince Preston to sign up with me! Since he has a basically brand new bike, thanks to my loving daddy!!

We had to meet by the Dragon Gym at 7:30am to set up and hear how the course was set up.

And were off...

All I have to say is I'm glad I could finish the race in one piece! The bike portion was the hardest part for me, it felt like it was never ending. And of course when I got to the running portion, I had to basically waddle to get going. But I ended up being a lot better at the running than the other women who were participating because I ended up passing all of the women who were way ahead of me on the bike.

I was so happy both Preston and I finished the race in pretty good time! And we didn't die.

I ended up getting first in my age group and also first female to finish overall. I also won another Polar watch. Being the awesome wife I am, I gave it to Preston since I had previously won one from another race I had done. Now we could be twins!

 I would definitely do another one of these. But I think I should probably work on my biking skills before next time.

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