Sunday, October 25, 2015

WOD for Awareness

Saturday, October 24

As most people know, I am huge into fitness and started doing Crossfit while we have been stationed over here. So when our Crossfit group decided to do a WOD for Awareness, of course I wanted to be apart of it!

Even though the WOD was nothing to be happy about, it was idea of what we were doing it for. The WOD was "GRACE," which is 30 clean & jerks. For women the weight was 95lbs, which does not sound bad, but once you start you will definitely feel it!

I had previously done this WOD once before and was not a fan, and this time I still wasn't. I did however improve my time from last time, which is always a plus! :)

After everyone had completed the WOD our coach, Tiffany had made gift baskets for the best female and male time and then did a raffle for the "big bag" prize. On top of that, she always made everyone a little protein snack they could take. It was really delicious for being a healthy snack.

I cannot remember who won for the fastest male time but I will say I did win for the fastest female :) In the gift bag I received, it had a shaker bottle, chalk and a 2 protein bars. It was perfect because I was about to buy a new shaker bottle.

One thing I love about doing weekend group workouts is that we all go somewhere after to eat! We went to Bobe's, which is a local restaurant that actually serves American breakfast. Yes, having an American breakfast every once in a while is a special treat over here in Italy.

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