Sunday, June 29, 2014

Our Furniture Finally Came!

Thursday, June 26

Today was the day our furniture and all our stuff came! We had our stuff packed and picked up from Maryland on April 23 and we finally got it all on June 26. Over two months later! This is the one thing that stinks moving overseas, you don't get your stuff until forever later! But when you do finally get it, your just full of joy and so relieved it made it in one piece, or well you hope it does. Luckily we only had a few things that had dents, chips or scuffed paint on them. But what can you do. The few things that I was beyond happy that made it in one piece was all our our china and stemware. All safe and sound :)

It was nice how quickly they brought everything in and putting the boxes in the right room of the house. One thing I must say is really nice is they have to put together everything that was taken apart for the move. So one less hassle for Preston and I, or I guess I should probably say Preston ;)

The only bad thing that Preston and I had to fix was a few of the things they put together for us they put upside down or backwards, so we had to take them apart and fix them. But at least the things they did mess up on were an easy fix.

I must say, we have a lot of stuff!! Every room in the house is buried under tons of boxes. This is probably going to take a while to put everything in place. Especially since in Italy, they don't have closest's, no storage places or anything to put your extra stuff in. So you have to improvise or go buy tons of bookshelves to be able to fit everything somewhere.

I'm glad we started to unpack some while the movers were still here unloading so they could take some of the empty boxes, it helped a little but not much since there's still so much stuff to empty! Another nice thing about the movers is that you can call or email them when your done unpacking all your boxes and they will come pick up all the empty boxes. That makes it so much easier since the trash people here are so strict about what you can put out for them to take.

Now for the real fun to start...UNPACK!!

The pictures below make it look worse than what it was because we were trying to make sure something made it, so we had to open and look in every box to make sure it was there.

Our goal for the day was to get the "Man Cave" all set up. Which we did! Within probably the same hour that the movers left we moved a few things around, found some nails and hung up our jerseys. I think it looks pretty good for that short amount of time. Plus, Preston now has a place to go when he comes home to chill and play all of his different gaming systems.

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