Thursday, June 12, 2014

Slowly Getting in the Swing of Things

For this week we didn't really have much going on so I'm going to summarize and share the few things we did do. But I must say for me I had a few exciting things happen!

Monday, June 9

Nothing special really happened today. I dropped Preston off at work, like I do every morning right now since we still only have one car. (Preston's car is supposed to be here no later than the 16th!) I stayed home as usual right now, cleaning and still looking for a job. That's the one thing I don't really like while living overseas, it is so hard to find a job if you're a spouse.

The one exciting thing that happened today for me was I got a call for an interview for the Secretary position I applied for! I did not expect to hear back from them so quick since usually these jobs take months to hear back. But I got an interview for that Thursday, June 12!

I also set up a meeting with the swim team board here to coach, if I couldn't find any other job and also if I wanted to help volunteer sometimes with the team. The meeting was for this Wednesday, June 11.

I guess I was a little more productive than I thought!

Tuesday, June 10

Today I am excited! I had found out not too long ago this base has the BOD POD, like I did my junior year in college. (BOD POD tells you your % of body fat and which category your in with your %, also and tells you how many calories you should be eating depending on how active you are that day) They do the testing every Tuesday from 8:30-11:30am. You also have to fast before you go, so of course I wanted to earlier one so I could eat sooner :)

I'm glad I got to do this to compare to what I had my junior year in college. Definitely going to do it again once I'm on a more regular routine.

After I got home I was happy to see my landlord was there to install the new counter top! Yes, it did take a while for it to actually come in but you always have to remember your in Italy, they move a lot slower here, with everything!

Now the sink and other cabinet don't wobble, since they were both stand alone. And I'm glad my new dish washer fit perfectly between them :) In the picture below you can see we have our stove and dishwasher all set up, unlike the pictures I posted when we first moved in.

(New counter top)
This was my excitement for the day!

Wednesday, June 11

Today was the first day I actually got closer to finding a job!

I only got to meet with one of the members of the swim team since something had come up for the President but was still nice to get to know how the team and everything works over here for swimming. I'm so glad I went, it was meant to be or something because I found out from the lady that there is a masters swim team over here I could join!! I was told there wasn't any tams here except for 18&unders. Plus, I found out she's moving to my neck of the woods, DMV, for her husbands job, so I got to inform her on few things about the area that are different than most places.

After Crossfit my friend, Mary, and I decided to go to Deja Brew to organize/take coupons from the coupons section. If you do this for at least 30 minutes you get a free drink from them but you can only do it up to 2 times a week. But still worth it to me because I love coupons! Gotta save money somehow! And love my free drink!

June 12

Another interview day!! This time for a position I'm hoping I get!

Also, FMO finally came back to fix our washer, because the one time we used it this past weekend it flooded our basement bathroom. At least it was tile, so it didn't ruin anything. But that was still a little frustrating to clean up. But at least they came right at 8, instead of last minute at 12, to fix it. And they were also really fast, even with leaving to get a new part for it. They were done in less than an hour! Now we can finally wash some clothes!

Time to prepare for my interview at 1! And to go visit Preston on his lunch break.

I was a little nervous for this interview since this was only my 2nd "real" interview, most of my other jobs didn't have formal interviews for them. But I think I did pretty well, was a little nervous but who isn't when they go to interviews. Now time to wait....

After Preston got off work today we had to go over to the hospital for a volunteer briefing. We both decided to volunteer for the 1st Aviano Triathlon, that's happening this Saturday. (Yes, I would rather be doing it but, 1st: I don't have my bike yet and 2nd: I wanted to see how it worked here before I do it myself) We both are actually lucky because we get to be stationed at the same place for the road volunteers! Also, it's very different here because for this triathlon you have to obey all the traffic signals and signs. So if you get stuck at a red light or a yield sign your kinda screwed with your time, but that's Italy for ya!

Preston and I can't wait to try the next one they host! We will actually have our bikes for that one :)

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