Monday, June 16, 2014

Lake Barcis

This post is mainly about our adventure to Lake Barcis but I just had to share what I did on Friday!

Friday, June 13

I ran my first 5k!! This was a Fun Run 5k, it was supposed to be "scary" themed for Friday the 13th. There were a volunteers with masks and bloody knives that showed you where to go. (Or well were supposed to show you where to go) I was happy with my first 5k time but it would of been better if the volunteers actually did their job and told you which way to go instead of standing there looking bored out of their minds. Also, this was not the normal 5k route you would usually take on base, they made it a little more interesting. I got sent down two wrong ways because they were not in the right spot directing people. But oh well, it was a fun run. And I finished!

They also did a raffle at the end and I won Preston a new workout shirt!

(My 1st 5k)
Can't wait to do another one!

Saturday, June 14

This morning we both decided to volunteer for the 1st Aviano Triathlon. I really wish we could of done it, but we still don't have our stuff yet :( But at least we got to see how it worked, so hopefully next time we can join in! But I must say our view for our volunteer spot wasn't too bad if I say so myself. (So glad they put us two in the same spot) Plus, it was a beautiful morning!

Preston and I decided to stay close to home this weekend and head up to Lake Barcis, which is only about 30 minutes from our house. This lake is in between the mountains near our house. This is definitely a place to go walk around, the water is BEAUTIFUL!! It's a bright blue/turquoise color. I've never seen anything like it before. The water is this blue because of the water runoff from the mountains.

We were both glad we decided to go this weekend because they were having hovercraft races. Pretty cool to watch! Had never seen this before either. They sounded almost like race cars driving by really fast.

The town the hovercrafts were racing in is really small. You could walk through the whole town in about 10 minutes. But it's a really cute and quaint town. There are plenty of cafes/bars and also some ristorantes and gelatorias in the town. Also, there are multiple "souvenir" shops you can look in. One thing we really liked was, where we parked there were benches right next to the water where you could sit and watch the hovercrafts go by. This would be a great place to have a picnic. The views are incredible!! Everywhere you look you are surrounded by mountains.

After watching the hovercrafts for a while, we decided to drive around the mountains and see what we could find. We found some amazing views and a great place to come sit and relax by the water.

We ended up staying at Lake Barcis for a few hours then decided to head back home. Saturday's are our splurge meal days. We pick a place, try and somewhere new, we want to go eat at. We narrowed it down to "New Pizzeria", which is within walking distance of our house or "Western House", which we randomly notice near Aviano square and plus they have a good deal from 5-7, every $1 = 1€. We decided to try Western House after searching on Trip Advisor to see what people thought. We saw they had burgers and were sold! We were craving something similar to American food. We needed our burger!

This place is definitely a place to go if you want to feel back in the states. The walls are lined with tons of license plates from the US and some from other countries around the world, but mostly US. It also felt like you were in Texas, with all the wild west like decorations on the walls too.

Preston was really hungry, as usual, and decided to get two meals. One pasta dish, don't remember the name, and a cheeseburger. While I got a salad and cheeseburger. My salad was huge! And was definitely different than a regular salad I'm used to, but it was still good with all the extra vegetables in it. I was a little nervous to try the cheeseburger and compare it to ones I'm used to in the states. But I have to say it tasted really good! And I love the fresh bread they use for the buns. That made it even better for me.

(Can you guys who's belongs to who (; )
(Preston's pasta dish and cheeseburger)
(My salad)
(My cheeseburger)

I would say this was a good choice and if we crave burgers again we will know where to go!

An evening out for dinner in Italy always calls for gelato after! Since this restaurant was next to Aviano square where Il Gelato is there was no reason to not go there anyway.

This was the first time we each got our own gelato...don't think we will be doing that ever again! We were both way past food coma and also major sugar rush! But tasting amazing, as usual. I got the cookie sundae gelato, where you pick 3 scoops, chocolate chip, mint and cookies, and then add whipped cream and cookie toppings. Preston got the Reese's sundae with chocolate gelato, whipped cream and all the Reese's toppings.

(Left: Mine, Right: Preston's)

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day. The lake is beautiful, it looks almost turquoise in color.

