Sunday, June 22, 2014

Daily Life

Not much has really happened this week, only a few new things.

Sunday, June 15

A nice thing about choosing this house is that it is within walking distance to Aviano square, restaurants and also a really good bread bakery! We would drive past it almost every morning heading to one of the bases and always saw people in it, plus when you drive by with the windows down, it smells heavenly! Who doesn't love the smell of fresh baked bread.

We finally decided to stop at it to see what types of bread they had. We decided to go with 2 smaller hoagie rolls to make sandwiches for lunch on. We couldn't wait to get home and try them!

They were so good! We found our bakery shop we will go to from now on if we need bread. Which we did a few days later for our dinner we had planned.

(Fresh hoagie rolls)

Another random information is we have a new four legged furry friend at our house. A cat named Tiger. No he doesn't live inside the house with us, but whenever one of us comes home he runs up and follows us to our door and waits for us to open the shutters to peek inside. None of our neighbors are really sure of his age. The only thing we do know is that he was born on the side of house 6, while all the others left he stayed and for some reason has always liked this house.

Preston would sometimes feed him pieces of turkey and try and pet him, but something must of happened to him because he does not want you to touch him. He's slowly getting closer to letting us pet him now. We think it might have to do with something with his tail for why hes so skiddish to us trying to pet him, he has less than half a tail left.

Monday, June 16

My friend Mary and I decided to try a new market today. It was in Azzano Decimo, which neither of us had heard of before. On an adventure we go!

We got to the market and the first things we saw were all clothes stands. We came looking for fruit and fish for me. We walked around the whole market, which this one is not really big, and found only about 3 stands that sold fruit, which none didn't have really anything too appealing to us. Plus, they didn't have what we were looking for. The only thing we did find was good cheese. So of course we both had to buy some. I got Montasio Saporito, which is the cheese I really liked at the first market I went to and bought, and also some Parmesan I could grate for a meal Preston and i had planned for that week. At least we found something we both wanted. But both of us think its not worth it for the drive and for what they have to offer at this market. Glad I could see and compare to the other ones now.

Tuesday, June 17

We finally got Preston's car!!!

We dropped Preston's car on April 29th and now just finally getting it! Preston was like a little kid on his birthday, he was so giddy and excited! It was really funny to watch him on the drive over to the place to pick it up. But before we could even pick it up you have to go through a long process of random paperwork.

First, we had to wake up at 5:40ish to be over at Pass & Regulations by at least 6am if you wanted a sure spot in line for the car paperwork. The office doesn't even open until 8am. Yes, its that crazy right now with trying to get your car registered. Also, this is for people who don't have an appointment for their car though, which most people don't because you would of had to call at least a month in advance to get an appointment. We were also lucky to find this extra information about getting up early because for our other car we didn't show up until about 7:45 and were the first people there and also had to wait outside. Luckily this time around they had the doors open so you could at least go sit inside and wait.

So glad we walked in when we did, we were first at 6:10ish, because a minute after us another couple showed up and then the line just kept growing! Also glad when they opened they gave you a time to come back instead of sitting around all day hoping to get seen like we did before.

While waiting until our appointment at 12:30 I decided to go to the Aviano market since the one I went to yesterday didn't have anything I was looking for. I hadn't been to this one yet and was excited to see what it had to offer.

I actually found everything and a few extra things at this market. I had come looking for strawberries, asparagus and salmon. I found all 3 of those plus I got some celery, a cantaloupe and a free nectarine. I wasn't going to get the cantaloupe but the vendor told me to try a piece of the one he opened and it was so juicy and delicious! I had never had one taste so good before, so I had to buy one for myself. I was struggling to hold all my bags and trying and find the correct change that the guy just let me hand him what I had in my hand, which I don't think was enough, and also gave me a nectarine to take. I loved how friendly the vendors were at this booth, I definitely hope they are always there because I am coming back to them. (Forgot to take a picture of all my delicious finds)

Finally, around 1 we could go to the place and pick up Preston's car! Now I don't have to drive him to and from work! Now just for our stuff to arrive and then we will finally have everything.

Wednesday, June 18

This morning Preston and I decided to go swimming at the base pool. There are designated times for "lap swim" which is from 6-7:45am. We got there right at 6 just in case there were a lot of people but there was no one else there but the lifegaurds. We didn't mind, more space for us! I had really missed swimming again, this was only the second time I had actually swam since being here. Which this was the longest time I'd been out of the water since I first started swimming 13 years ago! But it felt so nice to be back in and swim around, even if it was only little, since Preston had to be at work early. Great way to start our day though! Were going to try and go every morning we can now.

Later that morning I got a call from Preston, which is weird since he doesn't usually call me from work but this was a good call. We found out our stuff had made it!! But the bad news was, we still wont have it until next Thursday, June 26 because the people who deliver it can't do it until then :( And to make it worse they sent us the email today but our stuff had been there since Monday. So we probably could of at least gotten it two days sooner than next Thursday! But I guess I should be happy it made here...hopefully in one piece!

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