Sunday, June 29, 2014

Our New China Cabinet

Friday, June 27

If you are looking for almost any type of furniture or cabinets for any room I would definitely go to Milani. It is located in San Quirino and not far at all from base.

My husband and I were looking for something to put our china, stemware and extra cooking/baking stuff since we definitely did not have any storage in our place. There were so many different pieces to choose from but we both kept coming back to this one. It was originally marked as 850€, but the book price would of been over 1300! But with Preston's awesome negotiation skills he got it down to 650 for us!! Can't beat that deal right there!

(Added a few things)
(Put together for now)

Our Furniture Finally Came!

Thursday, June 26

Today was the day our furniture and all our stuff came! We had our stuff packed and picked up from Maryland on April 23 and we finally got it all on June 26. Over two months later! This is the one thing that stinks moving overseas, you don't get your stuff until forever later! But when you do finally get it, your just full of joy and so relieved it made it in one piece, or well you hope it does. Luckily we only had a few things that had dents, chips or scuffed paint on them. But what can you do. The few things that I was beyond happy that made it in one piece was all our our china and stemware. All safe and sound :)

It was nice how quickly they brought everything in and putting the boxes in the right room of the house. One thing I must say is really nice is they have to put together everything that was taken apart for the move. So one less hassle for Preston and I, or I guess I should probably say Preston ;)

The only bad thing that Preston and I had to fix was a few of the things they put together for us they put upside down or backwards, so we had to take them apart and fix them. But at least the things they did mess up on were an easy fix.

I must say, we have a lot of stuff!! Every room in the house is buried under tons of boxes. This is probably going to take a while to put everything in place. Especially since in Italy, they don't have closest's, no storage places or anything to put your extra stuff in. So you have to improvise or go buy tons of bookshelves to be able to fit everything somewhere.

I'm glad we started to unpack some while the movers were still here unloading so they could take some of the empty boxes, it helped a little but not much since there's still so much stuff to empty! Another nice thing about the movers is that you can call or email them when your done unpacking all your boxes and they will come pick up all the empty boxes. That makes it so much easier since the trash people here are so strict about what you can put out for them to take.

Now for the real fun to start...UNPACK!!

The pictures below make it look worse than what it was because we were trying to make sure something made it, so we had to open and look in every box to make sure it was there.

Our goal for the day was to get the "Man Cave" all set up. Which we did! Within probably the same hour that the movers left we moved a few things around, found some nails and hung up our jerseys. I think it looks pretty good for that short amount of time. Plus, Preston now has a place to go when he comes home to chill and play all of his different gaming systems.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Prosecco Wine Tour

Saturday, June 21

This past weekend Preston and I went on  Prosecco Wine Tour. I had randomly stumbled upon it while on one of the many Aviano Facebook pages. This was a non-profit event, hosted by one of the military spouses who was born and raised here in Italy. She started doing these events not too long ago to educate people on the different wines in Italy and also she knows a lot about the different areas of Italy from growing up here. Also she is really nice and helpful. If you ask her any question she will probably have the answer, she had them all for me :)

Next months winery event is going to be in Friuli, where sweet wine is made. I'm very excited for this one, as I'm a big fan of sweet wines! There's no date set yet, she was just telling us what she's planning and setting up for next month. If you want to look at her website for more information about her events, its:

For the event we had to meet in the Ovvio Parking Lot at 8:20am to leave no later than 8:30am. We all got onto a 29 passenger bus and headed to our first winery. All of these wineries are located on Prosecco Road which is about 45 minutes to an hour away from base. There are some amazing views as you drive along to the first winery. You get to see some really cool old Italian homes and towns.

The first winery we went to was Colvendra, which is up in the mountain and has an amazing view! When we got there both of us thought, "this is what you think of when you think of Italy, beautiful green fields and vineyards for miles".

We got to sample 6 different types of Prosecco. When I first heard of Prosecco when I came to Italy, I just thought there was only one type, but I apparently was way wrong. The main different Proseccos are Brut, Extra Dry and Dry. They are made by glera grapes, which actually used to be called prosecco grapes and only in certain regions in Italy. Also with trying the different wines we had bread, cheese, prosciutto (dry-cured ham that is usually thinly sliced, which is actually pretty good) and these really good bread sticks.

After all the sampling's we ended up buying 2 bottles at this place. The one on the right is an award winning Prosecco.

On to the next place...

Next winery was Merotto. Where we got to try 6 more different Proseccos.

At this winery we ended up buying two more bottles. The one on the right is also an award winning Prosecco. The paper that it is wrapped up in is the layout of the area where the glera grapes are grown.

(Right, award winning Prosecco wrapped in a map of the region )
(Right, award winning prosecco without wrapping)

After this winery it was time for lunch. I can't remember the name of the ristorante we went to, but it was amazing! You had a view of a vineyard while up on the mountain. You could sit either inside or outside. We all sat outside. It was perfect weather for it and who would not want to have that amazing view right next to them!

We got served a traditional Italian style meal, from beginning to end. So you better come hungry because you get enough to probably feed a family. And they usually don't like when you leave food on your plate, but a lot of people do it. We started off with wine, of course, and also water to choose from. And also the bread basket you will almost always get at an Italian restaurant. The first course that came out was marinara with mozzarella and croutons. At first I had no idea what this was and wasn't sure if I was going to even like it but it was actually really good.

Next came the risotto with Prosecco. I thought it tasted pretty good with the Prosecco mixed into it.

Then the pasta. Can't ever forget about that...


Now for the main dishes. You got a portobello mushroom, veggies, potatoes, steak and a huge piece of chicken, which that I forgot to take a picture of.

Lastly, for dessert we could choose from 3 different items. I choose the tiramisu while Preston choose the nut ice cream topped with chocolate sauce. We each tried each others and both were good in different ways. Pays to have somebody to share with, you get to try more things :)

After being completely stuffed with food, that was really good I must say, it was time to head to our last winery.

The views at the wineries are always amazing!!

At this winery we actually got to walk around and see where they make the wine and then watch them bottle it.

Then we got to go in the basement where some of the wine was being fermented. Some have been down there since 1999! That's so long ago!

Also while down there we got to sample their wine. We tried about 5 different Proseccos here. This winery I would have to say was my least favorite for the tastings. But I did love being able to see where and how they make their wine, that's always the fun part!

As per usual on a tour you will always run later than what you had planned. So our leader made sure everyone didn't have to be back for anything so we could stop at the castle on the way back. I'm so glad nobody said they had to be back because who doesn't love going to a castle. Plus this castle was also made into a hotel.

To get up to the castle you have to take an elevator, but not your ordinary one. You are on the outside of the mountain and you can watch the surroundings as you go up.

We were given a certain amount of time to explore the castle however we pleased. There was a small museum inside the castle (hotel), where there were old suits of armor and swords people wore back in the day.

Also, while walking around on the outside they had old carriages that were also used back in the day.

Time to head back to the bus and head home.

I would definitely recommend and go on her tours again. I had a lot of fun and learned a lot more interesting facts about wine, or should I say Prosecco. Hopefully soon I will be an expert on wine! :)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Daily Life

Not much has really happened this week, only a few new things.

Sunday, June 15

A nice thing about choosing this house is that it is within walking distance to Aviano square, restaurants and also a really good bread bakery! We would drive past it almost every morning heading to one of the bases and always saw people in it, plus when you drive by with the windows down, it smells heavenly! Who doesn't love the smell of fresh baked bread.

We finally decided to stop at it to see what types of bread they had. We decided to go with 2 smaller hoagie rolls to make sandwiches for lunch on. We couldn't wait to get home and try them!

They were so good! We found our bakery shop we will go to from now on if we need bread. Which we did a few days later for our dinner we had planned.

(Fresh hoagie rolls)

Another random information is we have a new four legged furry friend at our house. A cat named Tiger. No he doesn't live inside the house with us, but whenever one of us comes home he runs up and follows us to our door and waits for us to open the shutters to peek inside. None of our neighbors are really sure of his age. The only thing we do know is that he was born on the side of house 6, while all the others left he stayed and for some reason has always liked this house.

Preston would sometimes feed him pieces of turkey and try and pet him, but something must of happened to him because he does not want you to touch him. He's slowly getting closer to letting us pet him now. We think it might have to do with something with his tail for why hes so skiddish to us trying to pet him, he has less than half a tail left.

Monday, June 16

My friend Mary and I decided to try a new market today. It was in Azzano Decimo, which neither of us had heard of before. On an adventure we go!

We got to the market and the first things we saw were all clothes stands. We came looking for fruit and fish for me. We walked around the whole market, which this one is not really big, and found only about 3 stands that sold fruit, which none didn't have really anything too appealing to us. Plus, they didn't have what we were looking for. The only thing we did find was good cheese. So of course we both had to buy some. I got Montasio Saporito, which is the cheese I really liked at the first market I went to and bought, and also some Parmesan I could grate for a meal Preston and i had planned for that week. At least we found something we both wanted. But both of us think its not worth it for the drive and for what they have to offer at this market. Glad I could see and compare to the other ones now.

Tuesday, June 17

We finally got Preston's car!!!

We dropped Preston's car on April 29th and now just finally getting it! Preston was like a little kid on his birthday, he was so giddy and excited! It was really funny to watch him on the drive over to the place to pick it up. But before we could even pick it up you have to go through a long process of random paperwork.

First, we had to wake up at 5:40ish to be over at Pass & Regulations by at least 6am if you wanted a sure spot in line for the car paperwork. The office doesn't even open until 8am. Yes, its that crazy right now with trying to get your car registered. Also, this is for people who don't have an appointment for their car though, which most people don't because you would of had to call at least a month in advance to get an appointment. We were also lucky to find this extra information about getting up early because for our other car we didn't show up until about 7:45 and were the first people there and also had to wait outside. Luckily this time around they had the doors open so you could at least go sit inside and wait.

So glad we walked in when we did, we were first at 6:10ish, because a minute after us another couple showed up and then the line just kept growing! Also glad when they opened they gave you a time to come back instead of sitting around all day hoping to get seen like we did before.

While waiting until our appointment at 12:30 I decided to go to the Aviano market since the one I went to yesterday didn't have anything I was looking for. I hadn't been to this one yet and was excited to see what it had to offer.

I actually found everything and a few extra things at this market. I had come looking for strawberries, asparagus and salmon. I found all 3 of those plus I got some celery, a cantaloupe and a free nectarine. I wasn't going to get the cantaloupe but the vendor told me to try a piece of the one he opened and it was so juicy and delicious! I had never had one taste so good before, so I had to buy one for myself. I was struggling to hold all my bags and trying and find the correct change that the guy just let me hand him what I had in my hand, which I don't think was enough, and also gave me a nectarine to take. I loved how friendly the vendors were at this booth, I definitely hope they are always there because I am coming back to them. (Forgot to take a picture of all my delicious finds)

Finally, around 1 we could go to the place and pick up Preston's car! Now I don't have to drive him to and from work! Now just for our stuff to arrive and then we will finally have everything.

Wednesday, June 18

This morning Preston and I decided to go swimming at the base pool. There are designated times for "lap swim" which is from 6-7:45am. We got there right at 6 just in case there were a lot of people but there was no one else there but the lifegaurds. We didn't mind, more space for us! I had really missed swimming again, this was only the second time I had actually swam since being here. Which this was the longest time I'd been out of the water since I first started swimming 13 years ago! But it felt so nice to be back in and swim around, even if it was only little, since Preston had to be at work early. Great way to start our day though! Were going to try and go every morning we can now.

Later that morning I got a call from Preston, which is weird since he doesn't usually call me from work but this was a good call. We found out our stuff had made it!! But the bad news was, we still wont have it until next Thursday, June 26 because the people who deliver it can't do it until then :( And to make it worse they sent us the email today but our stuff had been there since Monday. So we probably could of at least gotten it two days sooner than next Thursday! But I guess I should be happy it made here...hopefully in one piece!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Lake Barcis

This post is mainly about our adventure to Lake Barcis but I just had to share what I did on Friday!

Friday, June 13

I ran my first 5k!! This was a Fun Run 5k, it was supposed to be "scary" themed for Friday the 13th. There were a volunteers with masks and bloody knives that showed you where to go. (Or well were supposed to show you where to go) I was happy with my first 5k time but it would of been better if the volunteers actually did their job and told you which way to go instead of standing there looking bored out of their minds. Also, this was not the normal 5k route you would usually take on base, they made it a little more interesting. I got sent down two wrong ways because they were not in the right spot directing people. But oh well, it was a fun run. And I finished!

They also did a raffle at the end and I won Preston a new workout shirt!

(My 1st 5k)
Can't wait to do another one!

Saturday, June 14

This morning we both decided to volunteer for the 1st Aviano Triathlon. I really wish we could of done it, but we still don't have our stuff yet :( But at least we got to see how it worked, so hopefully next time we can join in! But I must say our view for our volunteer spot wasn't too bad if I say so myself. (So glad they put us two in the same spot) Plus, it was a beautiful morning!

Preston and I decided to stay close to home this weekend and head up to Lake Barcis, which is only about 30 minutes from our house. This lake is in between the mountains near our house. This is definitely a place to go walk around, the water is BEAUTIFUL!! It's a bright blue/turquoise color. I've never seen anything like it before. The water is this blue because of the water runoff from the mountains.

We were both glad we decided to go this weekend because they were having hovercraft races. Pretty cool to watch! Had never seen this before either. They sounded almost like race cars driving by really fast.

The town the hovercrafts were racing in is really small. You could walk through the whole town in about 10 minutes. But it's a really cute and quaint town. There are plenty of cafes/bars and also some ristorantes and gelatorias in the town. Also, there are multiple "souvenir" shops you can look in. One thing we really liked was, where we parked there were benches right next to the water where you could sit and watch the hovercrafts go by. This would be a great place to have a picnic. The views are incredible!! Everywhere you look you are surrounded by mountains.

After watching the hovercrafts for a while, we decided to drive around the mountains and see what we could find. We found some amazing views and a great place to come sit and relax by the water.

We ended up staying at Lake Barcis for a few hours then decided to head back home. Saturday's are our splurge meal days. We pick a place, try and somewhere new, we want to go eat at. We narrowed it down to "New Pizzeria", which is within walking distance of our house or "Western House", which we randomly notice near Aviano square and plus they have a good deal from 5-7, every $1 = 1€. We decided to try Western House after searching on Trip Advisor to see what people thought. We saw they had burgers and were sold! We were craving something similar to American food. We needed our burger!

This place is definitely a place to go if you want to feel back in the states. The walls are lined with tons of license plates from the US and some from other countries around the world, but mostly US. It also felt like you were in Texas, with all the wild west like decorations on the walls too.

Preston was really hungry, as usual, and decided to get two meals. One pasta dish, don't remember the name, and a cheeseburger. While I got a salad and cheeseburger. My salad was huge! And was definitely different than a regular salad I'm used to, but it was still good with all the extra vegetables in it. I was a little nervous to try the cheeseburger and compare it to ones I'm used to in the states. But I have to say it tasted really good! And I love the fresh bread they use for the buns. That made it even better for me.

(Can you guys who's belongs to who (; )
(Preston's pasta dish and cheeseburger)
(My salad)
(My cheeseburger)

I would say this was a good choice and if we crave burgers again we will know where to go!

An evening out for dinner in Italy always calls for gelato after! Since this restaurant was next to Aviano square where Il Gelato is there was no reason to not go there anyway.

This was the first time we each got our own gelato...don't think we will be doing that ever again! We were both way past food coma and also major sugar rush! But tasting amazing, as usual. I got the cookie sundae gelato, where you pick 3 scoops, chocolate chip, mint and cookies, and then add whipped cream and cookie toppings. Preston got the Reese's sundae with chocolate gelato, whipped cream and all the Reese's toppings.

(Left: Mine, Right: Preston's)