Thursday, September 15, 2016

Surprise Birthday Trip to Mykonos, Greece

Friday, September 2

Today was the day that we fly to Mykonos! Unfortunately, we had to wait until the evening for our flight.

So of course to make sure we were beach ready, we went to the WOD in the morning. Definitely a good one!

After what felt like forever, it was finally time to get on our flight to Mykonos!

The airport we flew into was probably the smallest one I had ever seen! Even in the dark, you could tell it was pretty small.

We had someone from our hotel come pick us up. Since the island is not that big, it was less than a 10 minute drive to our hotel from the airport.

When we got to the place, the lady was super friendly and nice with helping us get everything ready and settled into our room. They even said in the morning they would help us find where we rented our ATV's from and call them so they could come get us.

Our cute little room.

After setting everything in our room we wanted something small to eat. Luckily, there was a bakery across the street that is open 24 hours. They had some of the most delicious and tasty pastries! We ended up bringing them back to our room so we could finally relax and get ready for our adventures the next day!

Saturday, September 3

First stop on the list was to have the owners call the ATV people and then wait for them to come get us. Now that's curb side service!

After we got our ATV's it was time for us to really explore the island!

It was so nice just being able to go wherever we wanted and just finding random neat places. One of the first places we found was an old lighthouse. The views were amazing!


Next stop was to find a beach and nice lunch spot. Which I think we did a pretty good job of finding. There were not too many people and there was a restaurant just up the hill to the side looking down at the beach.

We both enjoyed a delicious pizza with a very calm and relaxing view at Ftelia.

After lunch we decided to take advantage of the beach and go lay out for a while.


Then back to exploring more of the island. But of course there is always something that has to go wrong. Last year when we had ATV's mine stopped working on our tour, so our whole group had to wait for the company to come bring me a new one. Well this time it was Preston's ATV that stopped working. Never a dull moment in the Wolter household!

Luckily when the guy came he was able to fix it for us.

Exploring time!

For dinner that night we thought we would go to one of the main towns we had heard about that was pretty lively and find a good place to eat at.

We ended up finding a place to eat at near the water called Rouvera Cafe Restaurant. The waiter gave us some recommendations on what types of food is typical to eat down in Mykonos, so we thought why not.


(Yes, I did end up getting splashed on trying to take this picture)

(Our view for dinner)
We started off with spanakopita, which we have had in Greece before and it is delicious! We also got their version of fried cheese.

For the main dish we each got souvlaki, Preston got the chicken one, while I got lamb. I will say Preston's tasted better, but I can't say mine was bad either.

Once we got back home we decided to get a dessert from the 24 hour bakery across from our place. Somehow I had never actually had a nutella crepe yet over here. Which I'm so sad it took me this long to finally try one because it was amazing!

Time to rest up for another fun and relaxing day tomorrow.

Sunday, September 4

Today first I wanted to stop at the Starbucks we had passed by the day before, as I just had to go since we don't have them in Italy and plus I have to get the mug from all the different ones we go to while overseas.

Now to find a relaxing beach.

We hit the jackpot! We found a random beach that had a sunbeds for rent with full service staff, a restaurant and a small shop.

I still can't believe how cheap it is to rent a sunbed for the whole day, only 30 euro! It was worth every penny!

Plus, this beach had a ramp out into the ocean that you could run off of or go lay out on. Which made this beach even more perfect for us to lay out all day at.



Back to being spoiled and lazy!

We wanted to take full advantage of our laziness, so we ordered lunch from our sunbeds to be brought out to us. Along with a delicious drink in a tiki mug.

Time to play again!

I did not want to leave this beach, it was way too relaxing! However, it was time to shower and find a place for dinner.

This time we decided to stay closer to our hotel for dinner. One of the nights before we wandered around by our hotel and found some good looking restaurants that we thought we might try.

We went to Lefteris Grill House Mykonos, which ended up being a good choice. The food was good, plus it was really cheap! Plus, Preston got to finally get his Gyro.

We started with fried cheese balls and mushrooms a la creme.

Then onto the Gyro!


Like every night while being in Mykonos, we stopped at the 24 hour bakery to choose another delicious dessert. This time I got a chocolate chip cookie filled with nutella and a cookies and cream cup.

So sad this was our last night here, we had so much fun on our little getaway. I think this had to have been one of the coolest surprise birthday presents ever! I still can't believe he was able to keep it a secret for as long as he did. I give him an A+! :)

Monday, September 5

This was our last morning in Mykonos, I wish we had more time here.

Since we had a little time before our taxi came to get us for the airport we decided to walk to both of the close by beaches to enjoy the view one more time.

Goodbye cute hotel!

This had to be one of the smallest and most out of date airport I had ever been to! And I have been to a lot of airports. The monitor screens looked like they were from the 80's or 90's.

There was only one place to hang out before we boarded our plane. And there was no A/C, plus there were stray cats walking around, which I thought was very interesting in an airport.

So long Greece, until next time!!

This had to have been one of the best birthday surprise present ever! Now can Preston top it for next year! ;)

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