Friday, September 30, 2016

2016 Air Force Ball at Castel Brando

Friday, September 23

I had always wanted to go to at least one Air Force ball, and this year it would come true! It was going to be held at Castel Brando, which is about an hour away from Aviano.

The day of I got my make-up done and then went to my friends house where she did my hair for me (this made me want to go out and buy my own curling iron and try to figure out how to curl my own hair lol). I thought everything turned out really nice and could not wait to see what I looked like with my gown on (which was actually my prom dress from HS hehe).

Since the Castle is about an hour away they offer multiple shuttles from base to take you there, which is super convenient! We got one of the last buses with a few of our friends to ride over.

Once we got there of course we had to take tons of pictures, as you don't see everything this dressed up that often. 

For the next hour or so there was the cocktail hour with an open bar and tons of delicious o'devours they kept bringing around. And of course more pictures!

(Ed Center)


Once it was time for everyone to go find there seats at their table, there was a few words from the General and then the Chaplin. 

After dinner, we got to hear some of the Alpini sing. 

Once everyone was done eating, people had the opportunity to go outside on the veranda and mingle or go downstairs to one of the other rooms where there was a DJ and dance. We ended up doing a little of both of these. 

I'm so glad we had the opportunity to do this. We are stationed in such an amazing location and have so many wonderful opportunities that we can take advantage of!