Friday, August 14, 2015

Back to the Beach...Bibione

Saturday, August 8

Another beach weekend! I love how close the beach is to our house.

A few of our friends and us decide to go to Bibione beach for the day. It was perfect out! Not a cloud in the sky!

Last time I went to Bibione I saw the paddle boards and paddle boats you could rent, so this time we decided to rent two paddle boats with slides. I was so excited to take them out and just relax and have fun out in the middle of the ocean. (Unfortunately only Mary had pictures on her phone)

It was nice for Mary and I, we just got to relax while the guys all paddled the boats out to sea.

We went out far enough from the shore where there weren't too many people, but not too far to where it can get scary.

Time to relax, have a few drinks and have fun!

After playing around on the paddle boats, we needed some food! We ended up going to this restaurant right by the beach.

We were all starving! Preston and I ended up getting the same dish. Gnocchi with salmon. I don't know if it was because I was starving or what, but I devoured it! Plus, the plate was huge, compared to some gnocchi dishes I've had at other Italian restaurants.

After eating we went back to the beach for a while. I was so full, I had to lay down and relax for a little. I ended up taking a nice long nap on the beach, along with all of us.

After our nap, we decided to head back home.

On the way back we all decided we wanted to go out and eat dinner together. We decided on BeFeds. There chicken and fries are delicious! I could go here all the time if I could. But definitely going after taking a nice shower to rinse off all the sand.

At BeFeds, I got my usual chicken and fries, their specialty. It's always so good!!

After enjoying a long, fun and relaxing dinner it was time to head home. Another fun and exciting day at the beach hanging out with friends! :)

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