Sunday, August 30, 2015

My 25th Birthday!!

Monday, August 24

I'm a quarter of a century now!! I am one of those people who actually love birthdays. Every year I would always receive a new tiara to wear. Some had flashing lights on them, some with feather, or just simple ones, but I would almost always wear one. I was that obnoxious person wearing them :)

I had an extended birthday, as you can tell from my previous post of going to Jesolo beach. On top of that Preston surprised me by allowing me to choose whichever Michael Khors flats I wanted. I had been wanting one for a while now. I ended up picking the navy blue, as my other choice of red but they didn't have my size anymore.

To start off my actual birthday, I had to work but I was overwhelmed with treats and goodies. To start off the day my coworkers brought in pastries and brioches. I love Italian pastries! To go along with all my morning goodies I had a yummy Caramel Hot Chocolate from Deja Brew. 

Later in the day, my friend Mary came in to work to surprise me with a bouquet of flowers and a bottle of wine! I'm so glad I met her on the Benevenuti tour, I would definitely be lost without her!

On the evening of my birthday, we decided to go to dinner at this one place we have always heard about that is super small and run out of the families home. It was supposedly the #1 in Aviano. I had invited our friends Mary and Corey to come too. Mary had also really wanted to come to this place as she had only heard good things about it too.

The name of the restaurant is Alla Stella and is only about 5 minutes from our house. But even closer to the mountains. Even with the gps, you have to make sure you are keeping your eyes peeled because most likely you will pass right by it because it is hidden a little behind buildings up the street it is down. Plus, make sure you bring a small car because there is almost no parking available! It's literally only about the size of a 4 car garage!

At first we were a little hesitant because the outside does not look like it would be a restaurant. Inside it was very cozy and small like everyone had said. When we sat down there was already a massive bottle of wine and a bread basket waiting for us. They even came out and asked what kind of water we wanted and brought out a huge bottle.

Next he brought us out an appetizer. It looked very interesting and I cannot remember the name but it was really good!

Next he asked us which type of pasta we wanted. All of us but Preston ordered the spicy pasta, while Preston go the pasta with meat sauce. (Spicy wasn't that spicy, and I don't like spicy) Both were again very tasty! So far everything has been really good and the service was really good. The owner, I believe, was the one who would come to our table for each order. He was very friendly.

(Pasta with meat sauce)
(Spicy Pasta)

Next the main course. There were a few options you could choose from. We ended up getting a huge meat platter with some "grilled cheese" and 4 sides to go along with it. We had already had so much food and still all this to come. You need to make sure your really hungry when you eat here.

(Looked bigger in real life)
(Potato Fries)

(3 extra sides)

Again everything was delicious! All 4 of us couldn't even finish it all since there was so much!

Next he asked if any of wanted coffee or cappuccino's or anything else. We were all so stuffed that we had to say no thank you.

After all the food we had we were kind of expecting the bill to be pretty big. But when we got up to pay it only ended up being 50Euro!! This is for all 4 of us and all of the courses and drinks included (unlimited wine and water)! I was shocked at how cheap it was. The food and service for us was amazing! I would definitely recommend this place and for sure myself be going back.

After leaving the restaurant we all decided we wanted gelato. Even after all that food and being super full. It just didn't feel like a real Italian dinning experience without going to get gelato after.

We went to Aviano Square where they had opened up a new gelato place. I was interested to see if it was as good as Il Gelato in Aviano's Gray Mall Square.

There were so many choices to choose from! I had to sample a few before deciding. This gelato is so creamy, it just melts in your mouth. Plus they had Preston's favorite, dark chocolate. I can't even remember the name of the one I got, but it was good.

I will be coming back to this gelato place!

What a great extended birthday weekend! Now I can't wait to go to Cinque Terre on Labor Day weekend as a late birthday present and getaway for Preston and I!

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Jesolo Beach

Saturday, August 22

Starting off my birthday weekend right. We woke up early and headed to Jesolo beach. In August you have to make sure you leave early to go to the beach or almost anywhere, otherwise you will be stuck in major traffic!! This is because a lot of Italians take off the month of August and go on vacations, usually to the beaches.

We ended up leaving around 8:30ish, a little later than we planned but we were trying to wait for one of our friends who wanted to come, but ended up over sleeping. So we left him. A few of our other friends said they would meet us there as well, but had to wait for one of their friends who was meeting them at 10, so they could all go together.

I am so glad we left when we did because there was almost no traffic for us where we have normally get stuck at. We ended up arriving around 10 so went to go lay all of our stuff out on the beach first, because it was way too early for lunch.

I had not seen a beach so empty before in Italy. I guess getting up does have it's advantages, we could pick almost anywhere we wanted in the front section of the beach. Usually you have to try and find a small space available and squeeze your way in.

(The yellow umbrellas do not technically have people under them. In Italy a good portion or sometimes the whole beach have designated chairs and umbrellas you have to purchase that are always set up)

We relaxed on the beach until about 12:30ish and decided we need to find a place to eat for lunch.

We found a nice place on the main street, I can't remember what it was called though.

I ordered a shrimp pizza and added mushrooms. But of course they forgot to add the mushrooms. Preston ordered a pasta dish, which I thought was better than mine.

Time to enjoy the beach again.

We were still waiting for our friends to get there because they got a little lost. But they eventually made it there before we had to leave.

After spending about another hour after our friends finally got there we had to leave to go home, as we had been there for over 6 hours. 

I would say another relaxing day at the beach in Italy!

Friday, August 14, 2015

Back to the Beach...Bibione

Saturday, August 8

Another beach weekend! I love how close the beach is to our house.

A few of our friends and us decide to go to Bibione beach for the day. It was perfect out! Not a cloud in the sky!

Last time I went to Bibione I saw the paddle boards and paddle boats you could rent, so this time we decided to rent two paddle boats with slides. I was so excited to take them out and just relax and have fun out in the middle of the ocean. (Unfortunately only Mary had pictures on her phone)

It was nice for Mary and I, we just got to relax while the guys all paddled the boats out to sea.

We went out far enough from the shore where there weren't too many people, but not too far to where it can get scary.

Time to relax, have a few drinks and have fun!

After playing around on the paddle boats, we needed some food! We ended up going to this restaurant right by the beach.

We were all starving! Preston and I ended up getting the same dish. Gnocchi with salmon. I don't know if it was because I was starving or what, but I devoured it! Plus, the plate was huge, compared to some gnocchi dishes I've had at other Italian restaurants.

After eating we went back to the beach for a while. I was so full, I had to lay down and relax for a little. I ended up taking a nice long nap on the beach, along with all of us.

After our nap, we decided to head back home.

On the way back we all decided we wanted to go out and eat dinner together. We decided on BeFeds. There chicken and fries are delicious! I could go here all the time if I could. But definitely going after taking a nice shower to rinse off all the sand.

At BeFeds, I got my usual chicken and fries, their specialty. It's always so good!!

After enjoying a long, fun and relaxing dinner it was time to head home. Another fun and exciting day at the beach hanging out with friends! :)

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Bibione Beach

Saturday, July 25

Since Preston was away, I decided to go to the beach with my friends, Mary and Corey.

We decided to go to Bibione, I had never been before and was excited to see this beach. It was only about an hour away.

I really like the way this town looked driving in. There were tons of small shops and restuarants all up and down the beach and the adjacent road.

We ended up getting there around lunch time, so needed to find a place to stop and grab a small bite to eat. Of course we were all so undecided on which place to go to, so walk by like 20 different places hehe. We ended up at a small bar where we all order toast (aka toasted bread, cheese and prosciutto). And of course a drink. I got my favorite, a glass of Prosecco.

Time to hit the beach.

We laid all of our stuff down near the water, since that's the only place you can unless you want to purchase a lawn chair. Then Mary and I decided to walk up and down the beach.

By the time we came back you could slowly see clouds moving in. But luckily, it didn't rain on us.

We just relaxed the rest of the day.

Later we decided to go to a bar for a drink before heading home. I used to love Midori Sour's but I guess I don't like sweet things as much as it was way, way too sweet for me now! Unless they do something different over here, I couldn't really drink it.

After relaxing for a little, it was time to head home. Yet again, another fun filled day at the beach!