Sunday, July 19, 2015

2nd Anniversary in Mallorca, Spain

Thursday, July 2

Preston and I decided we wanted to be on a beach for our 2nd anniversary. We found Mallorca, Spain, which was beautiful in the pictures we had seen, so couldn't imagine what it would look like in person.

We had a flight leave out Thursday afternoon from Venice, so I got to get off work early yay! :) But, with our luck it got delayed about an hour. We were so worried we would miss our connecting flight our of Barcelona, since there are no direct flights to Mallorca. But luckily when we got there we found out the connecting flight was delayed. Unfortunately, for another hour and a half.

We finally made it to Mallorca around 10:30pm!

We had a car transfer come get us, which we were expecting to share but we had it all to ourselves!

Quick 10 minute drive to the hotel...we really finally made it!

We took quick advantage of our all-inclusive stay at the hotel, as we went straight to the bar to have a drink before dropping everything off.

Time to get some sleep before an amazing weekend ahead! But first, had to check out the view we would be enjoying this weekend.

Friday, July 3

For once, we got to sleep in as late as we wanted! Which for us was only until about 8am, since were so used to getting up at 4:50 to go workout.

Now time to open the curtains and see our amazing view!! The check-in guy last night said we had one of the best rooms, he was not kidding! You could see all up and down the boardwalk and were right on the beach.

First, to eat our included breakfast. I was surprised with how many options they had to for people to choose from. I was thinking it would be like bread and butter or small pastries like most European breakfasts.

After enjoying our breakfast time to hit the beach! But first, I had to get a Sangria to bring with me. It's 5 o'clock somewhere ;)

The water was so nice! You could see straight to the bottom. One thing we have noticed about the European beaches we've been to is that if you walk out 100 ft or more your still only covering just your legs. In the states you walk out about 20 ft and your covered head to toe.

Today was a day to just relax, enjoy the nice weather, beautiful views and relaxing atmosphere.

Time to try the lunch. Again, I was surprised with how many options you had to choose from. Even more than at breakfast. They had an extra table set up with food to choose from. I was a little scared I was going to get fat with all this free food :)

Back to the beach!!

We ended up buying a raft and a nurf football to play with in the ocean. Money well spent!

After a long day of relaxing on the beach, it was time for dinner. Let's see if the food is as good as breakfast and lunch...

Again, so many choices! I always had to sample a little of everything.

After eating so much we decided to walk down the boardwalk for a little before coming back and enjoying a drink at the bar before bed.

Saturday, July 4

Today, we had plans to go ATVing through Palma de Mallorca. I was so excited, because I had never ridden one before. We chose to do the beach excursion.

Even better, the company said they would come pick us up to take us to the starting point.

There were 7 of us, plus the tour guide with our ATV tour.

We stopped first at a beach located between cliffs. Very different than any beach I had been to but absolutely beautiful!

We had time to relax for 30 minutes until we left to go to the next stop.

Time to head to the next stop. Another beach!

Another beach like I had never been to before. This one was located on cliffs/rocks but had yet again another amazing view!

While heading to our next location our tour guide had us stop along the side of the road to walk over to the cliff and look out over the ocean. The water was so blue! The one scary thing when looking over is that you saw two smashed up cars that had gone over the cliff...scary!

Yes, that small black and red spot is a car that went over

It's never a vacation unless something happens or goes wrong. While trying to start up our ATVs, of course mine stopped working and wouldn't turn back on. So our tour guide had to call his office and send out a new ATV for me...oops.

After waiting about 15 minutes they finally came with a new ATV for me. Unfortunately, this put us even more behind on schedule so we could only drive past the 3rd stop. Still an amazing view to drive past!

I had a blast riding around different beaches around Palma! When we returned we got to watch some of the goPro recordings/pictures our guide took along the way, while enjoying complimentary water or beer if you wanted.

Time to head back eat a snack and hit the beach!

Today was another fun filled day! We decided to just relax at the hotel after dinner, to prepare for tomorrow's activities. Not without of course the band playing outside our window. Tonight's music wasn't too loud, which was nice.

I was excited and couldn't wait to see what tomorrow would bring! As it was also our 2 year anniversary!

Sunday, July 5

Happy 2nd Anniversary to Preston and I!!! <3 nbsp="" p="">
Today we planned going jet-skiing. We thought this would be a fun activity to start the day and our anniversary.

We were so lucky we didn't have to walk that far to the jet-ski place. Plus, I had never been to a jet-ski place where they pick you up in a small boat to take you out to a big boat in the middle of the ocean to get on your jet-ski. I thought it was a lot more convenient than having to throttle out, wasting time getting to open ocean to take off.

I'm glad we were the first ones waiting in line as it's first come first serve. You just purchase the tickets and go anytime throughout the day that they are open. We arrived about 15 minutes before 10am, which is when they first open. We had purchased the 40 minute jet-ski package. Another difference between here and stateside places I've been to is that you only can go in a circle between these designated buoys. Unlike the states where you can basically go anywhere, and whatever direction you want.

It was still a lot of fun, I hadn't road one in a long time.

After your done, they take you on the small boat again back to shore.

Time for lunch, then back to the beach!!

After relaxing/playing on the beach, as usual :), it was time for dinner. And as usual again, they had plenty of good options to choose from.

Tonight we decided to go sit and have a drink at one of the bars by our hotel. At the same time they were having celebration/dance we could watch.

I had been saying I wanted a strawberry daiquiri for a while, so why not get a huge one to share. 1 liter I might add :)

Different than other daiquiri's I've had, but still good.

We then decided to take a walk along the beach and see what other things they had going on in the opposite direction we went from the previous night. While enjoying the beautiful sunset.

We ended up walking a pretty good distance from our hotel. We found a nice looking club/lounge/bar/mini golf place. So why not play some mini golf!

Of course it was a competition to see who would win. Throughout the whole course we both were within about 4 points or less of each other. But in the end, I came out on top! Yay!

Time to head back to our hotel to say good night one last time in Mallorca.

Monday, July 6

Last morning in Mallorca.

We got to enjoy one last meal with a beach view while being here.

After, we were able to sit outside and enjoy the scenery for a few more minutes before having to bring all of our bags down.

Time to say goodbye to our hotel and Mallorca...

We had the same shuttle service come pick us up from the hotel. We were super lucky again, we didn't have to share the bus to the airport. Which is where the real craziness began...

Losing our bags on the way home :(

They did finally return them, a week later! Thankfully they bring them to our door step. (Never flying this airline ever again!!!)

I must say though, I had an amazing anniversary weekend! I think we have been a little spoiled, last year Greece, this year Spain. Can't wait to see where were going to end up next year for our 3 year!! :)

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