Saturday, June 13, 2015

Collio Region Wine Tour

Saturday, June 6

This weekend my friend, Tori and I went on a wine tour of the Collio region. I have been wanting to go to this area ever since my coworkers told me about it. The pictures make it look so beautiful!

When I saw Nikki Travels post she was doing an all day tour there, I had to go!!

We had to meet at 6:30 in the morning so we had enough time for go to all the wineries.

It took about 2 hours to get to the Collio Region, which is on the boarder of Italy and Slovenia.

We arrived around 9am to the first stop, Angoris.

It was isolated off the road a little on a nice vineyard with beautiful grounds. They have a house that was built in the 1600's where they host weddings and other events.

We had a nice wine tasting inside one of the rooms. We could taste any wine we wanted (gotta love Italy).

On to the next vineyard.

The next winery is a little different than most ones I've been to in Italy. The name is Cormons. They have over a hundred different vineyards bringing them their grapes to ferment and bottle wine. Very delicious and pretty cheap wine too!

(Bottle the Pope used that was served at the Vatican)

(My birthday year wine)

We were able to taste a few of them.


I definitely took advantage of how cheap the wine was, I bought like 8 bottles!!

Next we stopped at a little Italian restaurant for lunch. We were told it was going to be a light lunch but it definitely was not light! Which was perfect since we had a whole day of wine tasting. Everyone had their own cheese, frico and prosciutto plate, unlimited wine or water, salad and bread.

We had time to spare after lunch until we could head to the next winery, so why not open one of the big complementary bottles of wine we received from the first winery.


It was empty by then

On to the next!

Most amazing wine tour group ever!!
The next winery was Canus. The views and vineyards were breathtaking! These were the views you always see in the Italian movies and wish you were there.

Last stop Magredi.

By this time I think I was having too much fun and forgot to take anymore photos. But I would like to go back again.

Time to head home.

Super long, fun filled day of wine hoping through the Collio region. I would definitely go back!
(Plus if you've never been on a Nikki Travels tour, I would highly recommend it! Tons of fun with awesome people!)

(Wine I purchased)

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