Sunday, June 7, 2015

2nd Annual Aviano Triathlon

Saturday, May 30

This was the year I was going to be able to do the Aviano Triathlon. Aviano hosts a sprint triathlon every year consisting of 500m Swim, 16k Bike, and 5k Run. Last year we had to volunteer because our stuff still had not arrived. But at least we got to see what went on. Unfortunately, Preston could not do the triathlon too because we only have one bike, but hopefully next year! But at least he got to volunteer again.

We had to meet at the pool by 7:30 am to prepare and hear the rules. So happy some of my friends were doing it as well.
Crossfit ladies ready to kick butt!
I was in the third and fastest heat, so I was able to cheer on some of my other friends in the first two heats. I forgot how anxious I get when I wait for my turn to race. I felt like I was competing again at a swim meet.

My turn. And I'm off...

Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures of me racing since Preston had to volunteer at a different section of the race. But I did a lot better than I thought I would.

I was the first out of the water by a good margin. I needed this since biking is my weakest part. I was so happy I only got past by 3 guys who have done or regularly compete in triathlons.

Last up, the 5k run. At first, I felt like I was waddling to get started after riding my bike, but eventually I got into a steady pace while running.

I made it!!

I was so happy when I finished because I had accomplished one of my goals of competing in a triathlon. Plus, on top of that I got first in my age group. Where I received a medal and a new Polar watch. Out of everyone competing I would of finished 4th, with only three guys beating me.

Just finished and I look dead!
Crossfit ladies at the finish line!
First in my age group and first female overall!
My medal and new Polar watch

Now I can't wait to try another one! :)

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