Thursday, June 15, 2017

Aviano's Fittest

I had only started Crossfit when we first PSC'd here back in May 2015. I had given up competitive swimming to following my husband, who is Active Duty Air Force, to our first duty station in Aviano, Italy. I was still not ready to give up competitive sports, which I don't think I ever will. But this lead me to Crossfit, which I am beyond grateful I decided to give it a try at the end of May 2015 because I have fallen in love and been going ever since. I even got Preston to start coming with me! Which was a struggle to even get him to try it. It took over a year to convince him. But now he's hooked! He even goes without me now when I'm TDY or can't go.

Little background, but anyways...Aviano over the past year has had Crossfit grown exponentially compared to what it was when I first started. Which I'm so happy it has, because I have done things I never thought I would have such as the Crossfit Open back in February this year. Now they decided to do their first Aviano's Fittest on base. Which for a while now I have wanted to do some type of Crossfit competition but never knew where to start while being stationed over here. So this was a great opportunity to try one, just on a smaller scale.

Saturday, June 3

Aviano's Fittest started at 0900 but we had to be there no later than 0840 if you had already checked in the day before so we could see our heats and hear about how the event was going to work. I was excited and maybe a little nervous to see how this day was going to go. There were 3 different WODs we had to do, each one was bad in it's own way. Before each WOD below, I will write what each one contained.

I did Female RX, while Preston did Male Scaled because he had hurt his hand a month ago and was still only just starting to be able to use it again. I was so glad he was still able to do it with me!

Before it started we were allowed to warm-up and of course take our before pictures.

The first WOD I did not do as well as I had hoped, but I still can't complain, I did make it to the last bar but for some reason I could not clean it today. 

WOD 1: 3-Rep (unbroken) Hang Clean Ladder
*Performed every minute on the minute, weights are as follows

Female (RX)
Male (RX)
Female (scaled)
Male (scaled)

The second WOD was a sprint to see who could carry the objects the fastest. I'm actually better at endurance stuff but some how I was able to sprint this WOD out and did pretty well! I thought it was a lot of fun and wish we used some of these objects more often in class.

WOD 2: 3 Heavy Carries (gas cans, barrel & atlas stone)
Distances are the same for all divisions. 200ft for the gas/ammo cans, 100ft for the drums, 50ft for the atlas stones. Weights are approximate.

Female (RX)
2 gas cans (1 per hand), 50 lb drum, 95 lb stone.
Male (RX)
4 gas cans (2 ea hand), 100 lb drum, 145 lb stone.
Female (scaled)
2 ammo cans, 30 lb drum, 50 lb stone.
Male (scaled)
2 gas cans, 50 lb drum, 115 lb stone.
**5 minute time cap

The last WOD was a perfect endurance event. I was actually kind of excited for this event, as I thought I could do really well at it. Which I actually did! I ended up finishing it the fastest out of all Male and Female doing RX, yipee! 

WOD 3: Chipper

For time:
400M Run
50 Deadlifts
40 Thrusters (shoulder to overhead for scaled)
30 bar over burpees
20 Overhead Squats (back squats for scaled)
10 Snatches (ground to overhead for scaled)
*20 minute time cap
Deadlift weight: (RX 185/125) (Sc 135/95)
Remaining movement weights: (RX 95/65) (Sc 65/45)

We did it!! I think these are pretty good after photos :)

At the end they did an awards ceremony announcing the top 3 for each class, Male RX, Female RX, Male Scaled, and Female Scaled. 

I won Female RX! Yipee!

Picture of all the winners of each category. 

I'm so glad that we can share passion for sports with each other. We are able to push each other to become the best person possible, which is a lot easier when you have the support and especially from the one you love! 

I think this was a great turn out and well-planned/run for it only being the first time this has been held. I can't wait for the next one!


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