Saturday, July 30, 2016

Free Vacation Home!!

For my job, you could submit a proposal about a topic you think would be beneficial for other people to learn more about. However, although mine didn't get picked, I did get selected to go back stateside for this event. I was beyond excited when I found out I could go back stateside, as it had been almost 2 years since I had been back! Plus, my jobs headquarters is close to my hometown. So after my conference I could extend my stay and go home to see family.

I forgot how long flights feel, as most places we travel to around Europe are max of 2.5 hours. And this was 2 different flights with one being about an hour and the next being over 8 hours straight. I had to do it this way as the day I had to fly back stateside, was the same day our cruise ship docked. So I had a super long day ahead of me! So sad Preston wasn't able to fly back with me. But I will say, the long flight I had plenty of leg room and probably way too much food! Also, the guy sitting next to me ending up living right by Preston and also having a kid go to the same high school as Preston, what a small world!

Short recap of my conference. I made some amazing friends and had a lot of fun getting to know them and hanging out with them! This is definitely a work trip to remember! And way too much good food!!
(Goodies from the conference)

(Morning sunrise walking to work to use their gym)

(Showing the out-of-towners the fun places around the DMV)
(Beer Tower and Marcus)
(Jello Shooters)


Thursday, July 14

Now onto the family adventures!

Today was actually the last day of the conference, but it was a half day! So my dad got to come pick me up after lunch and take me home!

I was beyond excited to be home, it had been way too long!

It was nice to be able to relax and not have to worry about anything. Of course one of the stops of the day was going to a Vitamin Shoppe. I love being able to go look at everything in the store and just get samples or one bar to try.

Friday, July 15

Another relaxing day but this time it was filled with actual Starbucks and Ben & Jerry's ice cream! I was totally taking advantage of all the food we do not have in Italy.

I think this day we just drove to random places I hadn't been and wanted to go to. And then for dinner, we got to go over to my Grammy's for lasagna. Which I was beyond excited for since Preston is not a fan of lasagna and I hadn't had it in years! And of course it was delicious!

So glad I could see some more of my family as it had been a long time!

Saturday, July 16

Today was a fun packed day!

My sister drove up so she could spend the weekend here and come to the NATS game today. This was another thing I was excited for because I think it had been almost 2 years as well since I had been to a game.

The game did not start until 7pm but we decided to get there early to go have fun in the Bull Pen.

Danielle, Joseph, my dad, and I all played corn hole. At first my dad and I were doing really well, or should I say my dad was. I was not making anything. But then of course, we went over and had to go back down to 13. Which this allowed my sister and Joseph to beat us :( Oh well, it was a lot of fun though!

(I love my big sis!)

(Love my family, missing Preston though)

Of course right after we got into the stadium, it started to downpour! And of course a delay in game. At least we didn't' have to be anywhere in the morning.

During this downpour, I did the dumbest thing ever. Since I hadn't had American french fries in forever, I accidentally went to town on both my sister's and Joseph's fries from their meal. Which in turn made me feel super sick, oops! Lesson learned...maybe.

Family! :) 
(Great seats!)
(Cousins, missing Jacqueline though)

Since today was actually Joseph's birthday, my sister asked if they could put his name up on the scoreboard with all the other birthday day shout outs. It was awesome to see Joseph's face when he saw his name as he had no idea she did this for him.

Later during the game I had to get one of the massive margaritas, which was delicious!

We ended up leaving after the 7th inning, as it was getting really late. It was nice to hear the NATS ended up winning!

Sunday, July 17

Today we all go to meet up for brunch at the International Country Club, the place Preston and I got married at, barely 3 years ago :) I actually hadn't been back since then, since we ended up leaving not too long after getting married.

(Wedding spot!)

(Family for brunch at the Country Club)
(Got to celebrate Morgan's birthday early, cute picture!)
American breakfast here I come! I hadn't had a real American breakfast in years! So of course I went all out. I got a waffle, eggs, bacon, sausage links, home fries, and my favorite a powdered donut! You must also have a nice morning drink, I had a bellini.

(Oh how I missed you American breakfast!!)
So glad we were all able to get together for brunch before I had to leave again the next afternoon.

After brunch we went home for a little bit but then decided to go up to Preston's parents house to drop a few things off. I also got to see Jessie! Seeing her made me miss having a dog. She was beyond hyper when I finally opened the door to see her.

The next stop was for Preston. He is obsessed with Great American Cookie's cookie cake, which I have to say is amazing as well! At least the closest place is in a mall right near his house. He's lucky I love him, cause they were still making them and it would be about another 15 minutes or so to wait. So what better to do then go to the Starbucks in the mall and wait.

I guess I couldn't complain about having fresh cookie cake as I had to bring it back home to him the next day, so this way it would be more fresh than ones that have already been sitting out all day.

(Delicious cookie cake!)
Then time to go home and relax and watch a movie!

Monday, July 18 

My last day home :(

I wish I had extended my leave longer, as this felt like the quickest few days ever! I wanted more time to be at home.

Today though I got to have a few more things that are not offered in Italy, which the first thing was Noodles & Company. Yes, this might sound cliché to get, but they don't make this type of pasta in Italy. Plus, I have always loved their mac & cheese with Parmesan chicken and a side Cesar salad. I was a little nervous to see if I would even like it anymore, but it still was delicious, just like I remembered!

The next thing I got before heading to the airport was a sweet tea from Dunkin Donuts. I truly missed this! They don't know what sweet tea is in Italy, but I will say the peach tea here is doing a good job of being a replacement for now.

And then unfortunately it was time to say goodbye to my parents :(

(Gotta love leg room and Starbucks)
(Free wine!)

(Too much food!)
Preston and I are hoping to come back home sometime within the next year and this time together!

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