Friday, June 10, 2016

Aviano Air Base 3rd Annual Triathlon

Saturday, June 4

At first I was worried I wasn't going to be able to do this year's Triathlon as I heard people said it might be over Memorial Day weekend and we were going to Barcelona that weekend. But was really happy when I found out it was the following weekend!

This will be my 2nd ever Triathlon, so I was very interested to see how well I did compared to the year before. Also because I hadn't been on a bike since the previous year's triathlon...oops.

I was also excited that Preston had a bike this year, thanks to my dad not wanting one of his anymore! :) So he got to do it with me! This was his first Triathlon.

Just like the other Tri's, we had to be at the pool no later than 7:45am so we could set everything up, as the first heat went off at 8. Again, I was a part of the last heat, along with Preston as well. It's always nerve-racking waiting around and watching other start and take off on their bikes before you can even start.

Finally it was our turn. Neither Preston or I wanted to swim near each other in the pool, which some people thought was funny.

Off we go!

Well Preston touched me out in the swimming, not by that much though. We were still the first and second ones done with the swimming part. But oh my, the water felt like a bath tub it was so hot! That made that part a little more difficult than I was expecting.

I think if we want to compete in bigger events Preston and I need to learn how to switch from pool to bike a lot faster! I am super slow!

Most people say the bike is the easiest part, but for me, this is the part I dread the most. I am the worst at biking!

At this point I had passed Preston on my bike. As he had not been on a bike even longer than me.

Just like last year, I was so happy once the biking portion was over and onto the run.

Well I guess my lead over Preston from the bike wasn't that great, because he ended up passing and beating me. But I can't complain since he is a much better runner than I am.

This race always kills me but it's always so much fun to do, it's addicting! This year I actually ended up beating my previous year's time by about 3 minutes. So I guess I am slowly getting better at biking :)

After everybody finished, they did awards for top finishers in their age group and then men and women overall. I got first in my age group of 18-34. Unfortunately, I didn't win overall, as there was an Italian who is a professional triathlete racing as well. But I was still happy I won my age group as I received another medal and heart rate watch, and this time they also gave us first place finishers a USAFE Sports backpack. Keeps getting better and better every time!

I wish I competed in more of these, but I'm glad I can get the occasional fix of competing every once in a while.


  1. I am so glad that Preston was able to join you this year and was able to get the bike to Italy. You always amaze me!!
