Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Vicenza Run to Honor 5K

Friday, May 20

Since I have been traveling down to Vicenza for quite some time now, I thought it would be fun to try one of their bases Fun Run's. This one was called Run to Honor 5K, to honor those who have served and died. I thought it would be cool to see how different their base events are.

At most of the Aviano base events, unfortunately there is not always the best turn-out for some 5K runs; but in Vicenza there were about 100 people who showed up for the events, and it started at 0630! Plus they said this was an even smaller turn-out than last year. I wish our base events would have this many people show up, that would make them even more fun.

Before the race started, two families spoke about their loved ones and how loved they were. It was very sad to hear their families stories about the ones who are no longer with us. One was actually from Aviano but always came down to Vicenza for work and fun.

After hearing these stories, they gave us a little more information about the race, then we were off!

(Short story) Literally a small world, a few weeks ago I ran into someone I used to swim with back on my club team and also in high school. Apparently he got stationed in Vicenza and neither of us knew or had seen each other in years. Well, during this run, out of everyone in the race, I somehow ended up running behind him for most of the race. Small world!

It was nice catching up with him and seeing how he was enjoying living overseas and being in the military. Both of us are definitely taking advantage of all the places we can travel to so easily and for cheap while being over here.

I'm so glad I was able to do this race at a different base and see how different their base events are.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Preston's AIRCOM Championship Swim Meet

Thursday, May 12

Every two years there is a swim meet held against multiple countries Air Force's in Europe. I was so happy that tons of people on base knew that Preston swam before and sent him the email about this opportunity. The bonus was that if he got selected it was right here in Aviano, so I could just leave for a few hours from work and still go watch him swim!

He had to put in some of his best times within the past 3 year, which was perfect because that was right before we graduated college and gone to Olympic Trials. It took a while to hear any response back if he made it or not, but I would have been surprised if he didn't.

When he got the email saying that he was picked to represent USA's Air Force swim team in Europe I was so proud of him! Also, I'm so glad he got picked because now even if he gets stationed back stateside he will still receive the emails and be able to be selected for the team in 2 years, which will be in Germany! I will definitely be going back to that one! I know this is true because there are some people who were no longer stationed overseas and were still a part of the team.

The whole week was planned out and scheduled for them. The rest of the team that was not stationed in Aviano came in the weekend prior, to try and be able to adjust to the time difference.

I was happy I got to do a few things with him and the team. Even actually before the rest of the US team showed up, some of us from base went out to dinner with the British AF swim team. They are a lot of fun!

For this meet they even hosted an opening ceremonies at one of our gyms on base for anybody to come watch.

Throughout the week I got to go to some dinners with the team and hang out with them since I had to work normally, Preston got off the whole week for this event.

Swim meet!! So happy I could leave work for a little to come watch him!

The swimmers could swim up to 2 events. Preston was on both relays, which he actually did really well! His teammates and everybody else, including him was kinda surprised how well he did! :)

(Sorry some of the pictures aren't the best quality, having the light in the background made it so hard to take decent pictures of him swimming)

Even Preston's whole shop came out to support and watch him swim! They even made funny posters!!

So glad he did great because this gives him a better chance to come back again in 2 years to be a part of this team again in Germany!

After the meet everybody had to meet back up at the gym on base to do the closing ceremonies.

Then we all got to relax for a few minutes in the Lodges lobby before heading to go to dinner at Cial de' Brent. All countries teams met here for dinner and had to all be dressed in their blues. The winning men's and women's team received a massive coin and a trophy to take back with them. Of course both men's and women's US AF teams won!! :)

Of course I had to post all of the amazing food we ate!! Holy moly was it a lot though!! 

So happy Preston had the opportunity to be a part of this, as this can be a once in a lifetime experience and you get to make so many new friends from other countries.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Poveglia Island

Saturday, April 30

Ever since Preston and I got stationed here in Aviano, Preston reminded me that right off of Venice is the Island of Poveglia from Ghost Adventures. We love watching Ghost Adventures and thought it would be amazing if we ever had the chance to go to this island. But we knew most likely it would not come true because this island has been banded from anybody coming on it because of all the bad things that have happened on this island.

Here is a link to an article from Ghost Adventures briefly explaining about the history of this island and also a short clip from the episode (Season 3, Episode 3). Poveglia Island Article

To briefly explain myself about Poveglia, in 421 this island was first where people would be sent if they were diseased or dying. Later on in the 1300s the Bubonic Plague spread rapidly throughout Venice. Poveglia was the island where people with this disease would be sent off to die. Then in the 1800s, the island was turned in to an asylum for the mentally ill. However, since it was poorly designed, they turned in to a place of exile, not a rehabilitation place like it was first established to be. On this island, one of the doctors's who was there to try and help the "patients" went insane and threw himself off the bell tower.

All of these tragedies and different occurrences, had made this island banned from locals to visit. Also, they were too scared to even go there, as they did not want any diseases or spirits following them back to land.

Now to tell about my experience there...

Preston's supervisor had heard that there was a tour that was going to go to Poveglia Island, so of course he jumped on it for us. We were both beyond excited to be able to do this, as everybody thought this island was banned. Somehow they were allowing people to go over there and walk around for an hour, hopefully it was approved...

The tour consisted of riding over on a pirate ship which was a little over an hour, then you have an hour to walk around the island, then to head back. Plus it was unlimited free drinks, yes alcohol was included ;) It was all for only 55 euro! Not bad at all we thought!

There ended up being 10 of us going from Preston's shop.

Since I was beyond excited about this opportunity, I went crazy and took a bazillion pictures. So there will be a ton of pictures in this post.

(Tori and I, two of the wives from Bio)
We met at a place a little outside of Venice to hope on the pirate ship. I thought it was a perfect location as then we got to ride by Venice. Since it was perfect weather, we had an absolutely beautiful view of Venice from the water!

While cruising over it was nice to enjoy some of the unlimited beverages. Also, just enjoying the atmosphere.

Once we got to the island we were allowed to explore wherever we wanted to on the island.

At first it was actually really hard to try and find your way to one of the buildings as everything is so overgrown! We needed a machete knife like the Ghost Adventures crew had.

Eventually we made our way to the first building.

It was so cool to be able to step inside! You definitely had to be careful where you stepped and what you did, as the place has been abandoned for so long that almost everything is falling down or damaged.

There were so many sections of the buildings that were missing, so if you did not watch your step you could fall all the way to the bottom.

(Bell Tower the doctor threw himself off of)

We were able to walk through multiple of the buildings on one side of the island, but unfortunately, with only the hour time limit we didn't get to make it to the other side of the island. The other side of the island is where they burned and buried the people. Apparently, they say the "dirt" is just like ash/dust because of all the dead bodies over there. (Sorry for the graphic explanation)

Now time for the ship ride back.

Time to have some fun and be silly on the pirate ship on the way back!

If this opportunity came up again, I would definitely do it again!

I lived a Ghost Adventures dream!