Saturday, January 24, 2015

Skiing in Nassfeld, Austria

Saturday, January 17

This weekend a group of us decided to go skiing in Nassfeld, Austria. This was actually going to be Preston and our friend's first time skiing, ever! Little did we know how different it is skiing in Europe than back in the states. Plus today, the 17th, was Preston's birthday!! So I think this was a good way to celebrate his birthday!

It was only about 2 hours to get to Nassfeld from our house, which isn't a bad drive at all. The only trouble we had was trying to find the apartment we booked to stay in for the weekend. This took about another 30 or so extra minutes to find. It ended up being back down a small, kind of isolated road.

It looked really nice from the outside, so starting off well. The owner was super friendly and nice! He greeted us with a shot of schnapps, that he took with us! Plus, he gave us a bottle of German Champagne for Preston's birthday. (If there is ever a section when booking a hotel for special requests, fill it out! So far every time I've done that while living in Europe they haven given us something complementary. Usually wine, champagne, chocolates/food or a cute stuffed animal. I know most people don't but it's definitely worth it when they give you something complementary.)

After bringing all of our stuff upstairs, the owner saw that our friends had 3 frozen pizzas they brought for dinner and asked if they wanted him to make them for us, since we had everything but an oven in our apartments. I've never had that nice of service at a hotel or apartment, ever! He was very helpful with anything we asked or needed.

Time to rest up for a long day of skiing!

Sunday, January 18

First day on the slopes!

Below is a map of the Nassfeld's slopes.

After buying our lift tickets, we road the gondola to the top of the mountain. Probably not the best idea for Preston and our other friend since they had never skied before in their life. But our other friends who had been here the week before said they would be fine. Definitely wrong! I felt so bad having them go down the slopes up top for the first time because here you go down either a red or black and reds are pretty close to blacks back in the states I think.

It took me just a minute or two to get used to the slopes again since it had been close to 10 years since I had skied, but I think I picked it back up pretty quickly. Unfortunately, Preston and Bryce didn't. But after finally making it down the one of the chair lifts they stayed to the side/blue slopes to practice.

One thing I thought was interesting and kinda funny is that all over the slopes here are different bars/restaurants you can go to, to get drinks or food, mostly drinks. ;) I didn't remember that at the slopes I skied on in the states, but I thought it was pretty cool!

Lunch time!

We ended up finding one of the restaurants close to the one of the chair lifts. Since Austria shares a lot of stuff with Germany, they had a lot of German style foods. Both Preston and I got a bratwurst with fries.

Time to ski again!

This time around I decided to go with our other friends to ski down the whole mountain, which isn't just straight down, you go down then to the side then up then down and multiple times like that to make it to the bottom. Oh boy, this was a little more difficult for me, since I hadn't skied in forever. But all I can say is I made it down, yes I had some falls but I made it down in one piece! And, there were some pretty amazing views skiing through the mountains!

At the bottom, there was a bar attached to the gondolas that went to the top of the mountain that we decided to have a few drinks at to relax after a long day of skiing. Plus, it was almost 4:30 and that's when the chair lifts stop running.

(White Wine)

Later we ended up trying to find a place for us to eat dinner at. We found this small little German restaurant to eat at, which ended up being really good! I wasn't too hungry so got a salad and fried fish, basically like fish sticks. While Preston got this meat platter, which I got to try and was delicious! (Forgot to take pictures) I wish I could remember the name of the place for if I ever go back to ski in Nassfeld.

Time to head back and rest up for another day of skiing!

Monday, January 19

Unfortunately, we had to pack all of our stuff up before heading back to the slopes one last time this weekend.

Back at the slopes again.

If you are a beginner, there are a few more blue slopes we found that you can practice on if you get off on the second stop of the gondola ride. I think this really helped Preston and Bryce learn a lot easier and quicker than the day before.

For me, today I felt a little more confident while skiing, which made it easier to just pick a random slope and go down. I had a lot of fun doing that because I got to see so many more amazing views! (Definitely need to invest in a GoPro or something so I can record all the views I get to see)

As usual you have to stop for lunch. We ended up going to the restaurant on top of the mountain. I ordered garlic soup, if you've never had garlic soup, you need to try it! And I also got a salad with breaded chicken. (Whatever they coated it in was really good.)

After lunch, Preston, Bryce and I decided to head back home so we could get ready for another work week and plus it was already almost mid afternoon.

I would have to say this was a fun weekend! I can't wait to go skiing again! I hope Preston feels the same way too ;)

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Panevin or Falò

Monday, January 5

Every year on January 5 in Northeastern Italy they celebrate a day called Panevin or Falò. Panevin, meaning bread and wine, is an Italian holiday to bring in the new year. By burning a pile of wood with a witch, Vecia or old lady, made out of old clothes and horse hair at the top of the fire. While watching the fire, people watch to see if the smoke goes in a certain direction to know if they are going to have a good harvest this coming year. If it goes south and west, this means a good harvest, while north and east mean a bad one is to come.

Also, being celebrated today is La Befana, which is the coming of the Three Kings or Befana, old woman, to stuff candy into the stocking kids have put out.

One legend is told that the Three Kings approached Befana to ask her for directions to where the "Son of God" was being born. But she did not know. She let them spend the night and was considered the best housekeeper in the village with the best home. They invited her the next morning to come on the journey with them to baby Jesus, but she declined the offer because she was too busy with housework. Later on, she had changed her mind and wanted to try and find the Three Kings to go see baby Jesus  too. Unfortunately, she was not able to find him. So to this day, she leaves toys and candy or fruit for all the good children and the bad children get coal, onions or garlic.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

NYE in Pordenone

Wednesday, December 31

This was our first New Years in Italy so we decided to go downtown to Pordenone's piazza to celebrate with a few friends.

We first went to dinner at a place in Pordenone called Dry Bridge. Our friend's girlfriend, who is Italian, told us about it. I would of never found it or heard of it without her. It was a cute little Italian ristorante and family owned. There are no menus, the waiter comes and tells you what the specials of the night are. There were about 6 different options for us to choose from. I ended up with the homemade ravioli filled with meat and mushrooms topped with oil and cheese. I wish there was more because it was gone instantly! Preston ended up with gnocchi with duck sauce (not pictured). But before the food came, we ordered a plate to share of prosciutto and cheese to go with the bread basket that you usually get in ristorantes. And a couple bottles of wine ;)

After dinner, we headed over to Pordenone's piazza to enjoy all the festivities.

There were two long rows of booths set up where you could buy drinks or food. Apparently a drink called Vov or Bombardino is very popular during the winter time. It is a hot drink made with eggnog and brandy, topped with whipped cream. My friend let me try it, not a big fan but wasn't terrible. But if you love eggnog I think you would love this drink. There are also a few variations to this drink, like adding coffee, espresso, whisky or rum. Just depends on the area and how they feel like making it. After trying this, I ended up going with my usual glass of wine.

(Vov or Bombardino)
We enjoyed the music and the festivities for a little but then decided to try a pub one of our other friend had been to. It was called London Pub. If you didn't know about it I don't think you would ever find it. It is down one of the side streets in Pordenone and then down another side section of one of the buildings down a hallway.

We each ordered drinks to hang out until it hit midnight. All of us got beers, except Preston, who got his usual rum and coke.

Right before it hit midnight we ordered a bottle of Prosecco to share.

Happy New Year!!!

I had a lot of fun for my first New Years in Italy! Celebrating with friends always makes it more fun! Can't wait to see where we end up next year! :)